Microservice template
Just before to start, tart the docker-compose docker-compose up -d
Create the 2 databases (the ms_template_dev
should be already present):
$ docker exec -it ms-template-db /bin/bash -c "createdb -U postgres ms_template_dev"
$ docker exec -it ms-template-db /bin/bash -c "createdb -U postgres ms_template_test"
Run tests:
$ npm run test
You should see something like this:
> [email protected] test
> mocha test
> Migrating files:
> - 1636137304939_add-user-table
### MIGRATION 1636137304939_add-user-table (UP) ###
Running in test
No migrations to run!
✔ should return 200 OK
status controller
✔ return 200 for /healthz
✔ return 200 and db stats
✔ return 200 and db rabbit info
4 passing (303ms)
By default the logs are suppressed in test, but you can activate in this way:
SILENT_LOG=FALSE npm run test
If you want to simply start the server you can:
$ npm run build && npm start
If you want to start the server in debug and watching mode:
$ npm run debug
Suppose you have to create a migration to add a new field in a table you can execute this file:
$ npm run create-migration add field to a table
and a file called 1637739601040_add-field-to-a-table.js
(the number will be different) will be created in the folder migration
When you run the test or the project the migrations are executed automatically but iy you want to run manually you have to execute this command:
$ DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ms_template_dev npm run migrate up
If you want to recreate your db you can execute these commands:
$ docker exec -it ms-template-db /bin/bash -c "dropdb -U postgres ms_template_dev"
$ docker exec -it ms-template-db /bin/bash -c "createdb -U postgres ms_template_dev"
DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ms_template_dev npm run dump-structure
this command will run the migration before to dump the structure.
In docker-compose there is a scheduled task that call /healtz
every 30 seconds. See ofelia on github for more info.
To see the application tracing we use Jaeger: https://www.jaegertracing.io/
Start the application with
npm run trace
Open http://localhost:16686/ to see the Jaeger console
You can see the metrics you are exporting going here: http://localhost:3000/metrics. You can see the metrics on Prometheus here: http://localhost:9090/metrics. At the end you can see the metrics on Grafana going here: http://localhost:3333/. Credentials: admin admin
Some queries could be: