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A sync/async REST and GraphQL client for Shopify API using HTTPX


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This library extends HTTPX and implements a read-to-use sync/async client for REST and GraphQL API calls to Shopify's API.

Support for:

  • Sync and async API calls
  • GraphQL API
  • REST rate limiting
  • GraphQL cost limiting
  • Automatic retries of failed requests
  • Support for Retry-After headers
  • Pre/post action support

Table of Contents


$ pip install basic-shopify-api

Requires Python 3.



There are a variety of options to take advantage of.

You can simply create a new instance to use all default values if you're using public API mode.

Options available:

  • max_retries (int), the number of attempts to retry a failed request; default: 2.
  • retry_on_status (list), the list of HTTP status codes to watch for, and retry if found; default: [429, 502, 503, 504].
  • headers (dict), the list of headers to send with each request.
  • time_store (StateStore), an implementation to store times of requests; default: TimeMemoryStore.
  • cost_store (StateStore), an implementation to store GraphQL response costs; default: CostMemoryStore.
  • deferrer (Deferrer), an implementation to get current time and sleep for time; default: SleepDeferrer.
  • rest_limit (int), the number of allowed REST calls per second; default: 2.
  • graphql_limit (int), the cost allowed per second for GraphQL calls; default: 50.
  • rest_pre_actions (list), a list of pre-callable actions to fire before a REST request.
  • rest_post_actions (list), a list of post-callable actions to fire after a REST request.
  • graphql_pre_actions (list), a list of pre-callable actions to fire before a GraphQL request.
  • graphql_post_actions (list), a list of post-callable actions to fire after a GraphQL request.
  • version (str), the API version to use for all requests; default: 2020-04.
  • mode (str), the type of API to use either public or private; default: public.


opts = Options()
opts.version = "unstable"
opts.mode = "private"


Create a session to use with a client. Depending on if you're accessing the API public or privately, then you will need to fill different values.

Session(domain, key, password, secret).

For public access, you will need to fill in:

  • domain, the full myshopify domain.
  • password, the shop's access token.
  • secret, the app's secret key.

For private access, you will need to fill in:

  • domain, the full myshopify domain.
  • key, the shop's key.
  • password, the shop's password.


from basic_shopify_api import Session
session = Session(domain="", key="abc", password="123")

REST Usage

rest(method, path[, params, headers]).

  • method (str), being one of get, post, put, or delete.
  • path (str), being an API path, example: /admin/api/shop.json.
  • params (dict) (optional), being a dict of query or json data.
  • headers (dict) (optional), being a dict of additional headers to pass with the request.



from basic_shopify_api import Client

with Client(sess, opts) as client:
    shop ="get", "/admin/api/shop.json", {"fields": "name,email"})

    # returns the following:
    # RestResult(
    #   response=The HTTPX response object,
    #   body=A dict of JSON response, or None if errors,
    #   errors=A dict of error response (if possible), or None for no errors, or the exception error,
    #   status=The HTTP status code,
    #   link=A RestLink object of next/previous pagination info,
    #   retries=Number of retires for the request
    # )

REST Async


from basic_shopify_api import AsyncClient

# ...

async with AsyncClient(sess, opts) as client:
    shop = await"get", "/admin/api/shop.json", {"fields": "name,email"})

    # returns the following:
    # RestResult(
    #   response=The HTTPX response object,
    #   body=A dict of JSON response, or None if errors,
    #   errors=A dict of error response (if possible), or None for no errors, or the exception error,
    #   status=The HTTP status code,
    #   link=A RestLink object of next/previous pagination info,
    #   retries=Number of retires for the request
    # )

GraphQL Usage

graphql(query[, variables]).

  • query (str), being the GraphQL query string.
  • variables (dict) (optional), being the variables for your query or mutation.

GraphQL Sync


from basic_shopify_api import Client

# ...

with Client(sess, opts) as client:
    shop = client.graphql("{ shop { name } }")

    # returns the following:
    # ApiResult(
    #   response=The HTTPX response object,
    #   body=A dict of JSON response, or None if errors,
    #   errors=A dict of error response (if possible), or None for no errors, or the exception error,
    #   status=The HTTP status code,
    #   retries=Number of retires for the request,
    # )

GraphQL Async


from basic_shopify_api import AsyncClient

# ...

async with AsyncClient(sess, opts) as client:
    shop = await client.graphql("{ shop { name } }")

    # returns the following:
    # ApiResult(
    #   response=The HTTPX response object,
    #   body=A dict of JSON response, or None if errors,
    #   errors=A dict of error response (if possible), or None for no errors, or the exception error,
    #   status=The HTTP status code,
    #   link=A RestLink object of next/previous pagination info,
    #   retries=Number of retires for the request
    # )

Pre/Post Actions

To register a pre or post action for REST or GraphQL, simply append it to your options setup.

from basic_shopify_api import Options, Client

def say_hello(inst):
    """inst is the current client instance, either Client or AsyncClient"""

def say_world(inst, result):
    inst is the current client instance, either Client or AsyncClient.
    result is either RestResult or GraphQLResult object.

opts = Options()
opts.rest_pre_actions = [say_hello]
opts.rest_post_ations = [say_world]

sess = Session(domain="", key="abc", password="134")

with Client(sess, opts) as client:
    shop ="get", "/admin/api/shop.json")
    # Output: "hello" "world" <ApiResult>


This will be expanding, but as of now there are utilities to help verify HMAC for 0Auth/URL, proxy requests, and webhook data.


from basic_shopify_api.utils import hmac_verify

params = request.args # some method to get a dict of query params
verified = hmac_verify("standard", "secret key", params)
print(f"Verified? {verified}")


from basic_shopify_api.utils import hmac_verify

params = request.args # some method to get a dict of query params
verified = hmac_verify("proxy", "secret key", params)
print(f"Verified? {verified}")


from basic_shopify_api.utils import hmac_verify

hmac_header = request.headers.get("x-shopify-hmac-sha256") # some method to get the HMAC header
params = request.get_data(as_text=True) # some method to get a JSON str of request data
verified = hmac_verify("webhook", "secret key", params, hmac_header)
print(f"Verified? {verified}")


python -m venv env && source env/bin/activate

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


make test.

For coverage reports, use make cover or make cover-html.


See this Github page or view docs/.


This project is released under the MIT license.


Using PHP? Check out Basic-Shopify-API.