vBad aims to provide a simple to setup and use platform to help you visualise your builds and deploys and other information by providing a style of mashup dashboard.
This project currently only supports OSX whilst in its current state - if anyone needs compatibility with another OS please let me know - not difficult to do.
This repository is still in flux, and is far from stable, use this at your own risk.
vBaD is based upon some cobbled together scripts and web pages that I used some time ago. Unfortunately those scripts and pages were lost. vBaD is an attempt to take those ideas to the next level, at the moment development is prototypical, testing is light, structure is non-ideal, but hopefully that will evolve as time goes on.
Currently vBaD provides:
- builds embedded into a single executeable war
- basic dashboard with a rotating iframe with some information
- iframe times how long it takes to load and reports that in a status pane
- TTS announcement box
The quickest way to make use of vBaD at present is to clone the github repository and then use sbt to run it.
sbt can be found here:
then get the sbt-jetty-embed plugin with the following:
bash$ git clone git://github.com/glenford/sbt-jetty-embed.git
bash$ cd sbt-jetty-embed/plugin
bash$ sbt update publish-local
bash$ cd ../..
Then get vBaD running
bash$ git clone git://github.com/glenford/vBaD.git
bash$ cd vBaD
bash$ sbt update jetty-run
It will download all its dependencies and build vBaD, then you will then have vBaD running on localhost at port 8080.
Point your browser at http://localhost:8080
If you wish to build to an executeable war then do the following:
bash$ sbt update jetty-embed-prepare compile package
You can then run it by:
bash$ java -jar target/scala_2.8.0/vbad_2.8.0-0.1.war
If you wish to work on the codebase and use IntelliJ, ensure you have the scala plugin enabled in IntelliJ, and use the following to generate the project files
bash$ sbt idea
vBaD is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License