This is a tracker for tracking exploration behavior of the red knot. Currently trained for use on red knot exploration tests. Runs a trained SLEAP model over multiple videos and returns tracking data as a csv file.
Sinds SLEAP version 1.3.3 this program is mostly deprecated.
- Version 0.2.0
SLEAPyTracks uses the SLEAP library. So first we install SLEAP using miniconda.
The following instructions are for Windows
Anaconda is a Python environment manager that makes it easy to install SLEAP and its necessary dependencies without affecting other Python software on your computer.
Miniconda is a lightweight version of Anaconda. To install it:
Go to: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#latest-miniconda-installer-links
Download the latest version for your OS.
Follow the installer instructions.
open "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" from the start menu
First we install SLEAP.
Copy the following line in the Anaconda powershell and press enter:
conda create -y -n sleap -c sleap -c nvidia -c conda-forge sleap=1.3.0
Wait until the installation is finished.
After installing SLEAP install ffmpeg by coping the following line into the shell and pressing enter:
conda install -n sleap ffmpeg
If you don't have git installed already, you can also install it with Miniconda:
conda install git
Clone the SLEAPyTracks repo from GitHub
in the Anaconda powershell:
git clone https://github.com/aavanderleij/SLEAPyTracks.git
To reinstall or update SLEAPyTracks its recommended to remove the SLEAPyTracks folder and clone the repo again.
Remember to save any tracking files you want to keep somewhere else
with the Anaconda powershell start the sleap virtual environment
conda activate sleap
with the Anaconda powershell go into the map for SLEAPyTracks
cd SLEAPyTracks
run SLEAPyTracks on the directory you want to track. SLEAPyTracks will look for and process all mp4 video file in this directory and its subdirectories.
python SLEAPyTracks "path/to/your/video_dir/location/"
Default output location can be found in the video directory under "predictions/"
Files are saved as csv files
direct output to different directory
python SLEAPyTracks "path/to/your/video_dir/location/" -o "path/to/output"
track more than one animal in a video (e.g 3 animals):
python SLEAPyTracks "path/to/your/video_dir/location/" -t -n 3
SLEAP is the successor to the single-animal pose estimation software LEAP (Pereira et al., Nature Methods, 2019).
If you use SLEAP in your research, please cite:
T.D. Pereira, N. Tabris, A. Matsliah, D. M. Turner, J. Li, S. Ravindranath, E. S. Papadoyannis, E. Normand, D. S. Deutsch, Z. Y. Wang, G. C. McKenzie-Smith, C. C. Mitelut, M. D. Castro, J. D’Uva, M. Kislin, D. H. Sanes, S. D. Kocher, S. S-H, A. L. Falkner, J. W. Shaevitz, and M. Murthy. Sleap: A deep learning system for multi-animal pose tracking. Nature Methods, 19(4), 2022
Ersoy, S. Exploration in red knots: The role of personality in the expression of individual behaviour across contexts, PhD Thesis, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
for questions or suggestions please email me at: [email protected]