Simple cookie warning component for Deku
Accordning to the law in Europe the visitor of a website using cookies should get information about this and has to give their consent.
$ npm install deku-cookies
import Cookies from 'deku-cookies';
const content = <div>We are using cookies, do you accept?</div>;
const render = () => (
<Cookies button='Accept' content={content}/>;
export default {render};
Type: element
or string
Content to be shown as button. If a string
is sent in, a button will be built automatically.
Type: string
Default: Cookies
Class to be added to the element.
Type: Element
Content to be shown in the component.
Type: string
Default: 'deku-cookie-accepted'
Name of cookie to be set.
Type: Function
Function that runs on afterMount
and returns a boolean
Type: number
Default: 7889238000
Time before the cookie is removed. Default is around 3 months.
Type: Function
Function that runs on button click.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Set a secure cookie.
MIT © Andreas Gillström