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GFL CS2 Zombie Escape Configs

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A collection of the EntWatch, Stripper and map configs used on GFL Zombie Escape.

Everything in this repository is auto-synced to our main/test servers on a new commit/push.

How to Contribute

For making any of these configs, you'll need to use Source 2 Viewer to view entity lumps, and optionally CS2ServerGUI for live debugging. You can also compare maps with current configs in this repository and see how things have already been done if you're looking for functional examples of things.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the name of the folder/config matches the map name on the server.


Find entity classnames that start with weapon_ as a starting point for creating these. For each item you're going to want a new block in the root array. The format is available below.

        "name": "Item Name",        // Name of item that appears in chat
        "shortname": "Short Name",  // Name of item that appears on the HUD
        "hammerid": "",             // Hammerid of the weapon entity
        "message": true,            // Whether to show pickup/drop messages in chat
        "ui": true,                 // Whether to show this item on the HUD
        "transfer": true,           // Whether to allow this item to be transferred (this auto detects false for knife items)
        "color": "",                // Color of the item for chat messages (see list of colors)
        "triggers": [""],           // Array of hammerids of any triggers that this item is associated with
        "templated": true,          // Whether the entity of this handler is templated with the item weapon, (auto detected if not specified)
        "handlers": [
                "name": "Handler",     // extra name to show in chat when used e.g. XXX has used Item Name (Handler)
                "type": "button",      // "button",
                                       // "counterdown" - counter stops OnHitMin
                                       // "counterup" - counter stops OnHitMax
                                       // (anything else is ignored)
                "hammerid": "",        // hammerid of the entity
                "event": "OnPressed",  // Name of the output, counterup/down types always force "OutValue"
                "mode": 2,             // Mode of the handler
                                        //   0/1 = None
                                        //   2 = Cooldown,           3 = MaxUses (cooldown between each)
                                        //   4 = CooldownAfterUses,  5 = CounterValue
                "offset": [5,-9],      // ADDS the specified offset to counter values, 
                                        // First number is counter value, Second is counter max
                "cooldown": 60,        // Cooldown duration if mode = 2,3,4
                "maxuses": 0,          // Maxuses if mode = 3,4
                "message": true,       // Whether to show when this is used in chat
                "ui": true,            // Whether to track this handler on the HUD
                "templated": true      // Whether the entity of this handler is templated with the item weapon, 
            }                          //  (this will attempt to auto detect if not specified)

EntWatch Color List

Grouped colors are just different aliases for the same color.

  • white, default
  • darkred
  • team
  • green
  • lightgreen
  • olive
  • red
  • gray, grey
  • yellow
  • silver
  • blue
  • darkblue
  • purple, pink
  • red2
  • orange, gold


Stripper is quite a complicated beast, and unfortunately a single template is not really going to help you too much. You can find documentation on the config format in the StripperCS2 Readme. If you have any questions regarding stripper creation, you can always join our #mapping channel on Discord for assistance.

Map Configs

These are basic CS2 config files containing cvars/commands that get executed on map start.

Some common GFL plugin cvars that you may want to adjust are listed below with their functionalities.

zr_infect_spawn_mz_ratio	// Ratio of all Players to Mother Zombies to be spawned at round start
zr_infect_spawn_type 0		// Enables classic spawn for the map
zr_infect_spawn_time_max	// Maximum time in which Mother Zombies should be picked, after round start
zr_infect_spawn_time_min	// Minimum time in which Mother Zombies should be picked, after round start


A collection of configs for CS2 Zombie Escape






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