This script contains the code used for evaluating UVC-delins (which is available at
The script contains global filenames that should be set up properly before "running". This script should be be sourced from another script instead of being run on its own. Please set up these global filenames properly by modifying this script. The default locations used with ./ can be left unmodified.
The script ./ installs the pre-requisite dependencies to set up for the evaluation. Please note that both JAVA8 and GATK4 are not installed by default as the user is highly likely to have already installed them. If not, then it is easy to install both tools anyway, and we highly recommend installing them. The usage of ./ is : ./ where keywords can be set to skip-ref to skip downloading-and-indexing the human reference genomes and EVALROOT is the non-default root directory containing evaluation tools. The default location is specified in
The script generates the actual code used for evaluating with different datasets.
Running ./
Please note that, for the HCC1395/HCC1395BL dataset, the BAM files pre-aligned by BWA MEM and the BAM files pre-processed by GATK (i.e., prepared BAM files) generated by the script at (commit 222b8d3) should be used instead of the raw FASTQ files since BaseRecalibration using the entire BAM file is better. Because it may take some time to generate the prepared BAM files, we uploaded the prepared BAM files at for your convenience.