Create a MVP of a streaming platform for movies and/or tv shows like Netflix or HBO. Design should be responsive and accessible.
Vanilla HTML5 and CSS3. Frameworks and libraries are not allowed ❌
It should have three pages:
- Landing-page login form with:
- text field for entering email
- text field for entering password
- login button that initiates access to the website
- link in case user forgets their password
Main page with:
- Main menu with platform logo and options to go to different sections (new in, movies, tv-shows and user's favorites)
- Menu should contain search bar and log off button
- Carousel rows with movies and/or tv-shows display cards
- Movies and tv-shows cards should show title, rating, year and small synopsis
Page with detailed info of movie or tv-show with:
- Same menu main page has
- Info about the movie or tv-show: title, rating, year, synopsis and cast list
- Poster or trailer
- Carousel row with related content such as more episodes for tv-shows and similar movies for movies.
Examples of how it looks on small devices:
Pictures are from The Movie Database API
(Práctica realizada para Fundamentos Web: HTML5 y CSS3)