Geekawy to the West Rules Lawyer is the premier play and win convention backend.
- Docker/Docker Compose
- Auth0
Git clone/pull this repository as well as the frontends repository into the same directory
Ex: ./git/geekway/ruleslawyer-backend ./git/geekway/frontends
Create .env file based on .env.template in each project (backend + frontend x 3)
If you haven't already, add yourself to prisma/seed.ts
$ docker compose --profile all up
The backend will be listening on: localhost:8080
The frontends will be listening on:
- admin: http://localhost:8081/admin
- librarian: http://localhost:8082/librarian
- play and win: http://localhost:8083/playandwin
The database will be listening on: localhost:5432
Profiles available: all, backend, ruleslawyer, db, frontends, admin, librarian, playandwin
Ex: only boot the requirements for the backend and admin
$ docker compose --profile backend --profile admin up
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
- Contributors
- Website -