The purpose of this project is for the GDSC society to develop skills in collaborative open source style systems development.
This project has a primary focus on React & the Web Stack.
All contributions are valued and helpful!
If there's a bug or a feature you'd like to see add an issue.
If there's an issue you'd like to fix, assign yourself to the issue, clone the repo and make a new branch, when the code is ready open a pull request.
If any of that sounds daunting or confusing, jump into the GDSC discord and we'll be happy to help you through the process, the first time is the hardest then it's (mostly) smooth sailing from there.
- Line (snake) displayed on grid that moves in a direction that can be controlled by a user with the wasd keys
- Food items randomly appear on the map, there will always be one food item on the map at any time
- Upon colliding with a food item the line will get longer and the food item will be removed
- The line colliding with food increases a score by +1
- If line moves off the map it will wrap around to the other side
- If line collides with self the game ends
- Selectable difficulty mode (increased difficulty could include removing wrapping & increasing snake speed)
- A splash screen introducing the user to the game
- A highscore bored (with scores stored in a database?)
- User can submit score and name upon dying
- online multiplayer mode
- User can restart upon dying
- Create github repo
- Render a React page / component
- Add JavaScript linting
- Add test framework (jest?)
- Snake can move on board (1)
- Food appears on board (2)
- Snake can eat food (3)
- Score kept track of and displayed (4)
- Snake gets longer upon eating food (3)
- Snake dies if collides with self (6)
- Snake can wrap around board (4)
- Game over message displayed upon game over condition
- User can restart game upon dying (12)
- Save score in database (10)
- Display highscores from database (9)
- Difficulty selection (7)
- Sava Opikovs
- Jack Travis
- Aydin Orhan
- Abdulla Alsharshani (beamdy)
- Kane Swartz (JavaRip)
- Kieran Shaw (JakeIV)
- Riley Hardcastle (S4-K1)
- Mark Chittenden (mark-chit)
- Jonas Oppong (Jonas-oppong)