A tiny Maven proxy and repository. This project has the same goal of famous repository managers such as Sonatype OSS Nexus, Apache Archiva and JFrog Artifactory. The major difference is that this repository manager use very few RAM and CPU.
- Proxy for other Maven repositories
- Hosts Maven artefacts
- JRE 1.11+
- Memory efficient and super fast
- Need only servlet api 3.0 (works with Tomcat 7+ or Jetty 8+)
- The war is tiny: less than 100 KB
- A nice interface
You need maven installed.
mvn clean package
A war archive is generated in the target folder. Rename it to simple-repo.war.
Deploy the generated war archive into a Java Container (Tested with Tomcat 6 and Tomcat 8/9).
The files are stored in ~/.simplerepo. For storing files in another directory, set the variable simplerepo.root (-Dsimplerepo.root=/path/to/repo).
You can sefely remove an artifact from ~/.simplerepo or simplerepo.root. As the system does not have a database or a cache. It will not break something.
There are 3 types of repositories:
- hosted repository (no url and no includes)
- proxy repository (url and no includes)
- include repository (no url and includes) The type of repository is no configurable. The system will deduce the type of repository with its configuration.
maxSnapshots in 10 by default. This is the maximum number of snapshots by type. If there are more snapshot, the oldest is removed.
notFoundCache is the time in microseconds before the system rechecks a remote resource that cannot be found.
The configuration is accessible through JMX. If you cannot access JMX via JConsole, you can use jmx-web-console for configuring JMX via a web interface.
The configuration is also accessible with the links Settings in the menu.
To be able to push an artifact, you must have a user with the role repo-upload.
To be able to configure simple-repo, you must have a user with the role repo-admin.
For Tomcat, update TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml.
For Jetty, see the instructions.
Open MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml, add a mirror
You can upload manually with a command
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.company -DartifactId=project -Dversion=1.0 -DgeneratePom=true -Dpackaging=jar -DrepositoryId=simple-repo-releases -Durl=http://localhost:8080/simple-repo/repository/thirdparty -Dfile=project-1.0.jar
In your container, add a user with the role repo-upload. For Tomcat, update TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml. For Jetty, see the instructions.
Open MAVEN_HOME/conf/settings.xml, add a server
In your pom.xml, add
And execute the maven deploy command
maven deploy