- Access JMX from a web interface
- Very fast
- Stateless (nothing is stored in RAM or in HDD)
- Need only one Servlet (no JSP or other technology)
- Easy to use or extend
- No dependency and compatible with Java SE Embedded 8 Compact 3
- A running example with different CSS styles (Bootstrap and PureCSS)
- JRE 1.8+
- The jmx-war need only servlet api 3.0.1 (can run on old and new containers)
- Very small (minimal war size about 24 KB)
You need maven installed.
mvn install
cd jmx-exmaple
mvn jetty:run
Go to your browser at: http://localhost:8080 The login is admin and the password is admin.
The example project is a good start for integrating to a production level application.
jmx-war is a minimal war for exposing the JMX with a web interface. The security provided is too light for production environment but it is adequate for an internal use. It is just a basic authentication with a role manager.
compile group: 'net.gcolin.jmxconsole', name: 'jmx-web-console', version:'1.1'