✨ I am a curious, creative person and a lover of learning.
🚀 I'm currently learning technologies such as Go, Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, among others.
👯 I’m currently working as a Junior Developer.
💬 Ask me about Web Development, Figma, and UX/UI design.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: She/Her.
This project aims to index and visualize an email database from the Enron Corp dataset using ZincSearch as the search engine. The application allows users to search and view emails through a simple web interface.
- Frontend: Vue 3, Pinia, Vue Router, Vuetify, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Go, Chi
- Database: ZincSearch
- Deployment: Docker, AWS EC2, Vercel
Project Status: Completed
Completion Date: January 2025
Deployment page -
The application is designed to manage data from a dataset created by Barry Becker based on a 1994 census containing over 30,000 records with demographic data, which is necessary to understand what types of people earned more or less than $50,000 USD, among other things.
- Frontend: Vue 3, Pinia, Vue Router, Vuetify, Tailwind CSS, Vue echarts
- Backend: Go, Gin, GORM
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Deployment: Docker, AWS EC2, Vercel
Project Status: Completed
Completion Date: November 2024
Deployment page -
E-commerce platform developed from scratch along with 3 other developers.
A website that allows buying and selling used electronic products, promoting sustainability.Use of HTML, CSS, pure Javascript, Bootstrap, Java, Spring Boot, MySQL.
Project Status: Completed
Completion Date: July 2024
Team: Arturo Navas, Nicole Rojas, Giovanny Salcedo, Gabriela Rojas
Codeable Challenge: Create a "My Notes" application that allows viewing created notes, creating new ones, and deleting them.
Additional functionality: Note editing.Use of HTML, CSS, and pure Javascript.
Project Status: Completed
Completion Date: July 2024
Java Hackathon - Generation Colombia. Create a system that allows managing a phonebook.
Functionalities: Add, search, delete, validate contact existence, check space in the phonebook.Use of Java.
Project Status: Completed
Completion Date: June 2024
Team: Yineth Duarte, Sara Salazar, Gabriela Rojas