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Minimal Client for the UNHCR RIDL Platform


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This is a minimal package for programatically interacting with the UNHCR Raw Internal Data Library (RIDL). Its scope and API are deliberately kept minimal for ease of use. The main purpose served by this package really is to make the RIDL API documentation just a little bit more readily accessible.

To use the package, you’ll need to store your RIDL API key in the RIDL_API_KEY environment variable. The easiest way to do that is by calling usethis::edit_r_environ() and adding the line RIDL_API_KEY=xxxxx to the file before saving and restarting your R session.

The package works with both the production and UAT instances of RIDL. To use the UAT version, run Sys.setenv(USE_UAT=1) before calling any functions from the package. To go back to the production instance, call Sys.unsetenv("USE_UAT").

Following is a brief illustration of how to use the package using the mtcars toy dataset that comes with readr.



m <- package_metadata(title = "Motor Trend Car Road Tests",
                      name = "mtcars",
                      notes = "The data was extracted from the 1974 Motor Trend US magazine, and comprises fuel consumption and 10 aspects of automobile design and performance for 32 automobiles (1973–74 models).",
                      owner_org = "exercise-container",
                      visibility = "public",
                      external_access_level = "open_access",
                      data_collector = "Motor Trend",
                      keywords = keywords[c("Environment", "Other")],
                      unit_of_measurement = "car",
                      data_collection_technique = "oth",
                      archived = "False")

p <- package_create(m)

The return value is a representation of the dataset we just created in RIDL that you could inspect like any other R object.

## # A tibble: 1 x 37
##   external_access_~ unit_of_measurem~ license_title maintainer relationships_as~
##   <chr>             <chr>             <lgl>         <lgl>      <lgl>            
## 1 open_access       car               NA            NA         NA               
## # ... with 32 more variables: private <lgl>, maintainer_email <lgl>,
## #   num_tags <int>, keywords <list>, id <chr>, metadata_created <chr>,
## #   archived <chr>, metadata_modified <chr>, author <lgl>, author_email <lgl>,
## #   state <chr>, version <lgl>, data_collector <chr>, license_id <lgl>,
## #   type <chr>, resources <lgl>, num_resources <int>,
## #   data_collection_technique <chr>, tags <lgl>, visibility <chr>,
## #   operational_purpose_of_data <lgl>, groups <lgl>, creator_user_id <chr>,
## #   relationships_as_subject <lgl>, organization <list>, name <chr>,
## #   isopen <lgl>, notes <chr>, owner_org <chr>, sampling_procedure <lgl>,
## #   title <chr>, revision_id <chr>

Creating a resource and attaching it to the dataset follows a similar pattern.

m <- resource_metadata(type = "data",
                       url = "mtcars.csv",
                       name = "mtcars.csv",
                       format = "csv",
                       file_type = "microdata",
                       date_range_start = "1973-01-01",
                       date_range_end = "1973-12-31",
                       version = "1",
                       process_status = "raw",
                       identifiability = "anonymized_public")

r <- resource_create(p$id, m)

Like before, the return value is a tibble representation of the resource.

## # A tibble: 1 x 27
##   cache_last_updat~ file_type package_id identifiability datastore_active id    
##   <lgl>             <chr>     <chr>      <chr>           <lgl>            <chr> 
## 1 NA                microdata 1d4f3c8b-~ anonymized_pub~ FALSE            8067d~
## # ... with 21 more variables: size <lgl>, date_range_end <chr>, state <chr>,
## #   version <chr>, type <chr>, hash <chr>, description <chr>, format <chr>,
## #   mimetype_inner <lgl>, url_type <chr>, mimetype <lgl>, cache_url <lgl>,
## #   name <chr>, created <chr>, url <chr>, date_range_start <chr>,
## #   last_modified <lgl>, process_status <chr>, position <int>,
## #   revision_id <chr>, resource_type <lgl>

But so far we’ve only created the metadata for the resource. The next step is to upload the data.

resource_upload(r$id, path = system.file("extdata/mtcars.csv", package = "readr"))

Et voila! You should be able to find your data on RIDL now.

You could also search for the dataset from the R console directly.

## # A tibble: 8 x 54
##   external_access_~ unit_of_measureme~ license_title maintainer relationships_a~
##   <chr>             <chr>              <lgl>         <chr>      <list>          
## 1 open_access       car                NA             <NA>      <list [0]>      
## 2 not_available     Individuals        NA             <NA>      <list [0]>      
## 3 not_available     Household          NA             <NA>      <list [0]>      
## 4 not_available     individuals        NA             <NA>      <list [0]>      
## 5 not_available     Individuals, Hous~ NA            ""         <list [0]>      
## 6 not_available     Individuals and F~ NA            ""         <list [0]>      
## 7 not_available     individuals, hous~ NA            ""         <list [0]>      
## 8 not_available     Households and in~ NA             <NA>      <list [0]>      
## # ... with 49 more variables: private <lgl>, maintainer_email <chr>,
## #   num_tags <int>, keywords <list>, id <chr>, metadata_created <chr>,
## #   archived <chr>, metadata_modified <chr>, author <chr>, author_email <chr>,
## #   state <chr>, version <chr>, data_collector <chr>, license_id <lgl>,
## #   type <chr>, resources <list>, num_resources <int>,
## #   data_collection_technique <chr>, tags <list>, visibility <chr>,
## #   operational_purpose_of_data <list>, groups <list>, creator_user_id <chr>,
## #   relationships_as_subject <list>, organization <list>, name <chr>,
## #   isopen <lgl>, notes <chr>, owner_org <chr>, sampling_procedure <list>,
## #   title <chr>, revision_id <chr>, geog_coverage <chr>, identifiability <chr>,
## #   admin_notes <chr>, date_range_start <chr>, data_sensitivity <chr>,
## #   date_range_end <chr>, weight_notes <chr>, data_collection_notes <chr>,
## #   clean_ops_notes <chr>, original_id <chr>, response_rate_notes <chr>,
## #   sampling_procedure_notes <chr>, url <chr>, short_title <chr>,
## #   data_accs_notes <chr>, process_status <chr>, ddi <chr>

Or search for the specific file that you’ve uploaded:

## # A tibble: 1 x 26
##   process_status date_range_start hash  description format file_type package_id 
##   <chr>          <chr>            <chr> <chr>       <chr>  <chr>     <chr>      
## 1 raw            1973-01-01       ""    ""          CSV    microdata 1d4f3c8b-6~
## # ... with 19 more variables: mimetype_inner <lgl>, url_type <chr>,
## #   identifiability <chr>, id <chr>, size <lgl>, mimetype <lgl>,
## #   cache_url <lgl>, name <chr>, created <chr>, url <chr>,
## #   cache_last_updated <lgl>, date_range_end <chr>, state <chr>,
## #   last_modified <lgl>, version <chr>, position <int>, revision_id <chr>,
## #   type <chr>, resource_type <lgl>

And once we’re done experimenting with the API, we should take down our toy dataset since we don’t really need it on RIDL.



Minimal Client for the UNHCR RIDL Platform



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