Easing Function and non linear distribution utilities for Processing IDE
EasyEase provides a ready-to-use setup for in order to apply easing curves to a spatial distribution or an animations, resulting in more natural and visually appealing effects.
here the latest release, including the library, documentation and examples. in .zip format
Open Processing, go-to: Sketch > Import Library > Manage Libraries > EasyEase
Download the latest release of the library.
Unzip / extract the content of EasyEase.zip into your Processing sketchbook's /libraries folder.
note: sketchbook's /libraries folder is usually located under /User/Yourname/Documents/Processing/libraries. in order to view or change your sketchbook location go to: File > Preferences. The "sketchbook location" setting is the first option of the dialog
Documentation can be found here at this link.
Once correctly installed, import the library by selecting: Sketch > Import Library > EasyEase.
Alternatively type import easy.ease.*
at the beginning of your sketch.
An EasyEase Object should be declared globally.
It may be constructed inside or outside the sketch's setup()
more information about all different types of constructors: here
Each EasyEase object contains a set of different easing methods as well as several build-in helper functions
import easy.ease.*;
float intensity = 9.2;
EasyEase mover = new EasyEase(this, intensity);
void setup() {
size(600, 400);
void draw() {
float start = 100;
float stop = 400;
float motor = mover.framer(frameCount*0.5);
float x = mover.inOut(motor, start, stop);
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(x, (motor%1)*(height-100), 100,100);
- OS-X
- Windows
- Linux
The latest Processing version the library has been tested with: 4.3
EasyEase depends on no other libraries
a list of explanatory and beginner-friendly examples can be fund here
The source Code is open-source and can be found [here] https://github.com/fredegd/EasyEase
This Library was written is in accordance with the Processing Library Guidelines
easing , motion, easing-curve, gradient, non-linear, curve, interpolation
March 2024
Issues, unexpected bugs and behaviors, or any kind of suggestion or improvement is highly welcome and can be posted here
If you're having trouble, have a look at the Processing Wiki for further information, please contact the author.