Node Package Manager (NPM) wrapper for boot-clj.
- Provides
task for installing node modules. - Provides
task for executing node modules. (auto-installs local module)
The following outlines basic usage of the task, extensive testing has not been done. Please submit issues and pull requests!
Add boot-npm
to your build.boot
dependencies and require
the namespace:
(set-env! :dependencies '[[degree9/boot-npm "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]])
(require '[degree9.boot-npm :as npm])
Install a Node Module:
(boot/deftask bower
"Install bower to node_modules."
(npm/npm :install {:bower "latest"})))
The npm
task exposes a few options when using npm as part of a build process.
[p package VAL str "An edn file containing a package.json map."
i install FOO=BAR {kw str} "Dependency map."
d develop bool "Include development dependencies with packages."
r dry-run bool "Report what changes npm would have made. (usefull with boot -vv)"
g global bool "Opperates in global mode. Packages are installed to prefix."
c cache-key VAL kw "Optional cache key for when npm is used with multiple dependency sets."
_ include bool "Include package.json in fileset output."
_ pretty bool "Pretty print generated package.json file"]
The :install
option is provided for installing node modules, takes a map containing a dependency/version pair. This will install the module to a temporary node_modules
folder and include this folder in the fileset output.
(boot/deftask bower
"Install bower to node_modules."
(npm/npm :install {:bower "latest"}))
The :cache-key
option is provided to avoid downloading node modules each time boot is restarted. This will cache the node_modules
folder and include this folder in the fileset output.
(boot/deftask bower
"Install bower to node_modules."
(npm/npm :install {:bower "latest"}
:cache-key ::cache))