As for my final personall assignment for the Codaisseur Academy I needed to make an evaluation tool for the teachers. I got 4 days to finish my project, before I needed to present and explain my code
- As a Teacher I can sign into the tool with my email and password to start using it
- As a Teacher, after I signed in, I see a (list of) current classes, identifiable by their Batch number (e.g. Batch #1), start date, and end date.
- As a Teacher, I can create a new class by giving it a Batch number, start date, and end date.
- As a Teacher I can add, edit, remove students in a class. To add a student I need to provide: 1) their full name, 2) (a link to) their profile picture.
- As a Teacher, I can click on a class, after which I see a grid of all the students by their name and photo, and the last colour code given to them. Above the students grid, I see a bar with 1-3 segments, showing me the percentage (%) of students evaluated GREEN, YELLOW, and RED. As a Teacher, when I click on a photo or name, I can click on GREEN, YELLOW, or RED, fill in the date (defaults to today), and a remark. When I click “Save” it saves my evaluation, and takes me back to the student overview, when I click “Save and Next” it saves and shows me the next student.
- As a Teacher, when I look at a student’s page, I can only fill in one evaluation per student per day. I can edit my own evaluations.
- ALGORITHM PART! As a Teacher, from the class view I can click a button “ASK A QUESTION”. It shows me the name and picture of a random student to ask a question. Not entirely random though: RED students get ~53% of the questions YELLOW students ~28%, and GREEN students ~19%.
Styling: CSS, Material-ui-next
- Install the dependencies:
- In each project directory run
- Run the back-end side of the app:
- Have a ‘DATABASE_URL' environment variable set
- Start the TypeScript compiler:
tsc -w
- Connect to Postgres with TypeORM:
yarn start
- Run the front-end side of the app:
- In the ‘client’ directory run
yarn start
API and Databases
The database containes four tables:
- Users - registred teachers/users. E-mail and a hashed password.
- Students - registred students. Firstname, Lastname and picture url. Its linked with evaluation and batches table
- Batches - The class. Batchnumber, Startdate, Enddate. It's linked with students of this batch.
- Evaluations - evaluations per student. Evaluation color, date and remark. Linked to the correct student
Endpoint | what it does |
POST | Create user |
GET | Get user by Id |
GET | Get all users |
Endpoint | what it does |
POST | Create Student |
GET | Get student by Id |
GET | Get all students |
PUT | Update students info |
DELETE | Delete student |
Endpoint | what it does |
POST | Create batch |
GET | Get batch by Id |
GET | Get all batches |
Endpoint | what it does |
POST | Create evaluation |
GET | Get all evaluations per student |
/logout | logout Page |
/login | login Page |
/signup | signup Page |
/batches | All batches/ classes |
/students/:id | one batch with all students |
/student/:batchId/:studentId | Student, details and evaluations |
link coming