Kinsky is a clojure client library for Apache Kafka
based on core.async
and kinsky.
Abstracting Kafka behind core.async
channels makes it possible to implement
business logic with core.async
channels and make kafka dependency a config
option. More precisely an application could be configured to only use channels
and not kafka to enable a faster development workflow, faster tests,
including end-to-end logical testing without the added complexity of kafka,
the latter can be dealt with during integration testing.
The original code of this library was initially part of
kinsky. It has been extracted into this
separate library when the original kinsky
authors decided to deprecate
their core.async
facade which they did not use in production.
This library has been used in prototyping activities, but it's not yet been battled tested in a production environment.
This library is not yet on clojars, until then one needs to clone locally
and use lein install
or use deps.edn
to point to a github commit.
Continuing from kinsky 0.1.24
- Producer: return [in out] vector, takes :duplex? config option and records with an optional :response channel
- Consumer: added :seek op
- Consumer+Producer: handle a closed control channel as a :close operation
- Minor typo and code refactoring
The examples assume the following require forms:
(:require [kinsky.client :as client]
[kinsky-async.async :as async]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go <! >!]])
(let [ch (async/producer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"} :keyword :edn)]
(>! ch {:topic "account" :key :account-a :value {:action :login}})
(>! ch {:topic "account" :key :account-a :value {:action :logout}})))
(let [ch (async/consumer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}
topic "tests"]
(a/go-loop []
(when-let [record (a/<! ch)]
(println (pr-str record))
(a/put! ch {:op :partitions-for :topic topic})
(a/put! ch {:op :subscribe :topic topic})
(a/put! ch {:op :commit})
(a/put! ch {:op :pause :topic-partitions [{:topic topic :partition 0}
{:topic topic :partition 1}
{:topic topic :partition 2}
{:topic topic :partition 3}]})
(a/put! ch {:op :resume :topic-partitions [{:topic topic :partition 0}
{:topic topic :partition 1}
{:topic topic :partition 2}
{:topic topic :partition 3}]})
(a/put! ch {:op :stop}))
(let [popts {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"}
copts (assoc popts "consumer-group-id")
c-ch (kinsky.async/consumer copts :string :string)
p-ch (kinsky.async/producer popts :string :string)]
;; fuse topics
(a/>! c-ch {:op :subscribe :topic "test1"})
(let [transit (a/chan 10 (map #(assoc % :topic "test2")))]
(a/pipe c-ch transit)
(a/pipe transit p-ch))))