Releases: fltuna/lupercalia-mg-cs2
Releases · fltuna/lupercalia-mg-cs2
Release v1.4.0
What's Changed
- Merge improvements, new features, and fixes implemented by spitice by @fltuna in #16
- modify: VoteMapRestart now uses NativeVoteAPI for voting #18 by @fltuna in #21
- modify: VoteRoundRestart now uses NativeVoteAPI for voting #19 by @fltuna in #22
- modify: plugin modules are now able to unload. This is intended for hot reloading by @fltuna in #23
- modify #24: reformat codes by code conventions using Rider IDE by @fltuna in #25
Special Thanks
Huge thanks to @spitice for implementing improvements, new features, and fixes!
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.4.0
Release v1.0.0
Whats new
- Anti Camp System
- Round End Death Match
- Omikuji
- Debugging Commands
- Misc Commands
Plugin now supports language localizer.
- Duck fix now works well
- Map config uses partial match instead of start with matching
- Team Scramble now scrambles team correctly
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v1.0.0