A Python/OpenCV-based barcode reader for 2D barcode markers.
Assume we have an image containing one or several markers like the one below:
To extract the marker(s) we can use the following script similar to the example reader:
import cv2
from barcode_reader import MarkerDetector
image_path = 'clean_marker.png'
frame = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
if frame is None:
raise ValueError("Image could not be read")
detector = MarkerDetector(min_contour_length_allowed=10000)
detected_markers = detector.process_frame(frame)
print("%d markers detected:" % len(detected_markers))
for marker in detected_markers:
This outputs the detected contour(s).
2 markers detected:
[[119.43042755 120.34486389]
[380.50708008 120.37145233]
[380.46075439 379.82989502]
[119.41880798 379.66653442]]
[[119.43190002 120.3412323 ]
[380.51220703 120.37619019]
[380.45599365 379.8331604 ]
[119.41361237 379.66433716]]
Also, when debugging is enabled, it draws-in the contours like shown below: