Hi! Welcome to my data visualization project on refugee issue. For this project, I created an interactive storytelling experience together with a poem I wrote to depict the data from a refugee's perspective. The datasets were synthesized from a variety of sources, including https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SM.POP.REFG, etc. The countries of which data is shown are Afghanistan, South Sudan, Ukraine, and Venezuela -- four of the countries with the most severe refugee crisis.
Please click on this link to access the visualization: https://floatingtortoise.github.io/
Deploying locally:
Option 1: If you would like to run the code locally using Visual Studio Code, I recommend you adding the "Live Server" extension to the IDE. Then, right click on the index.html file and select "Open With Live Server", which will run the code locally on a browser.
Option 2: Alternatively, you can choose "Show Preview" after right clicking on the index.html file, which will pop up a preview window in the IDE. Then, you can select "Open in Browser" at the top right corner of the preview window to view the fullsize visualization.