#Admin Page Tree Multible Sorting #####ClassName: ProcessPageListMultipleSorting
Extend the ordinary sort of children of a template in the admin page tree in the ProcessWire CMS/CMF with multiple properties. For each template, you can define your own rule. Write each template (template-name) in a row, followed by a colon and then the additional field name for sorting.
Example: All children of the template "blog" to be sorted in descending order according to the date of creation, then descending by modification date, and then by title. Type:
blog: -created, -modified, title
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- Copy the files for this module to /site/modules/ProcessPageListMultipleSorting/
- In admin: Modules > Check for new modules.
- Install Module "Admin Page Tree Multible Sorting".
Alternative in ProcessWire 2.4+
- Login to ProcessWire backend and go to Modules
- Click tab "New" and enter Module Class Name: "ProcessPageListMultipleSorting"
- Click "Download and Install"
- Small improvements
- Initial release