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2d spreadinterponly matlab demo with plot
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ahbarnett committed Feb 8, 2025
1 parent 2b8786f commit 587ddf2
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Showing 2 changed files with 52 additions and 4 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions examples/spreadinterponly1d.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ using namespace std::chrono;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Example of double-prec spread/interp only tasks, with basic math tests.
Complex I/O arrays, but kernel is real. Barnett 1/8/25
Complex I/O arrays, but recall the kernel is real. Barnett 1/8/25.
The math tests are:
1) for spread, check sum of spread kernel masses is as expected from one
times the strengths (ie testing the zero-frequency component in NUFFT).
1) for spread, check sum of spread kernel masses is as expected from sum
of strengths (ie testing the zero-frequency component in NUFFT).
2) for interp, check each interp kernel mass is the same as from one.
Without knowing the kernel, this is about all that can be done.
Without knowing the kernel, this is about all that can be done!
(Better math tests would be, ironically, to wrap the spreader/interpolator
into a NUFFT and test that :) But we already have that in FINUFFT.)
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions matlab/examples/demo_spreadinterponly2d.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
% Example of double-prec spread/interp only CPU tasks, in 2D,
% with basic math tests.
% Warning: this does *not* compute a NUFFT! It spreads/interps with kernel.
% Barnett 2/7/25.
% Also see, for the analogous 1D demo from C++:
% FINUFFT/examples/spreadinterponly1d.cpp

N1 = 500; N2 = 1000; % size output grid for spread, input grid for interp
M = 1e6; % number of nonuniform points
isign = +1;
opts.spreadinterponly = 1; % crucial: engage the spreadinterp only mode
%opts.debug=1; % other opts

% the following two now only control the kernel parameters (not grid size):
tol = 1e-9;
opts.upsampfac = 2.0; % must be one of the legitimate choices

% or, slower direct kernel eval to access nonstandard upsampfacs...
%opts.upsampfac = Inf; % can be anything in (1,Inf], up to ns<=16

% spread M=1 single unit-strength somewhere (eg, at the origin)...
f = finufft2d1(0.0,0.0,1.0,isign,tol,N1,N2,opts);
kersum = sum(f(:)); % ... to get its mass, and plot it on 0-indexed grid...
figure; surf(0:N1-1,0:N2-1,log10(real(f))'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
hold on; plot3(N1/2,N2/2,0.0,'k.','markersize',20); axis vis3d
colorbar; title('spreadinterponly2d: log_{10} spreading kernel'); drawnow

% spread only demo: ---------
x = 2*pi*rand(M,1); y = 2*pi*rand(M,1); % NU pts
c = randn(M,1)+1i*randn(M,1); % strengths
f = finufft2d1(x,y,c,isign,tol,N1,N2,opts); % do it
t = toc;
mass = sum(f(:)); err = abs(mass - kersum*sum(c))/abs(mass); % relative err
fprintf('2D spread-only: %.3g s (%.3g NU pt/s), mass err %.3g\n',t, M/t, err)

% interp only demo: ---------
f = 0*f+1.0; % unit complex input data
c = finufft2d2(x,y,isign,tol,f,opts); % do it
t = toc;
maxerr = max(abs(c-kersum)) / kersum; % worst-case c err
fprintf('2D interp-only: %.3g s (%.3g NU pt/s), max err %.3g\n', t, M/t, maxerr)

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