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epnev committed Jul 13, 2017
1 parent 374176f commit 8b4ed11
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Showing 7 changed files with 297 additions and 139 deletions.
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File renamed without changes.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions use_cases/2017_CSHL_NeuralDataScience/demo_CSHL2017_neurofinder02.00.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
addpath(genpath('../../../ca_source_extraction')); % add packages to matlab path
gcp; % start a local cluster

foldername = '/Users/epnevmatikakis/Documents/Ca_datasets/Neurofinder/neurofinder.02.00/images';
% change foldername to where the data is saved
files = subdir(fullfile(foldername,'*.tif*'));
numFiles = length(files);

%% concatenate files (this will take some time)
Ycon = concatenate_files(files,fullfile(foldername,'neurofinder0200.tif'),'tif');
%% construct a memory mapped file
data = memmap_file(fullfile(foldername,'neurofinder0200.tif'));

%% now perform source extraction by splitting the FOV in patches

sizY = size(data,'Y');
patch_size = [48,48]; % size of each patch along each dimension (optional, default: [32,32])
overlap = [8,8]; % amount of overlap in each dimension (optional, default: [4,4])

patches = construct_patches(sizY(1:end-1),patch_size,overlap);
K = 6; % number of components to be found
tau = 7; % std of gaussian kernel (size of neuron)
p = 0; % order of autoregressive system (p = 0 no dynamics, p=1 just decay, p = 2, both rise and decay)

options = CNMFSetParms(...
'deconv_method','constrained_foopsi',... % activity deconvolution method
'temporal_iter',2,... % number of block-coordinate descent steps
'ssub',2,... % downsample factor in space
'tsub',4,... % downsample factor in time
'merge_thr',0.8,... % merging threshold

%% run CNMF algorithm on patches, combine results and classify components
[A,b,C,f,S,P,RESULTS,YrA] = run_CNMF_patches(data,K,patches,tau,p,options);
[ROIvars.rval_space,ROIvars.rval_time,ROIvars.max_pr,ROIvars.sizeA,keep] = classify_components(data,A,C,b,f,YrA,options);

%% a simple GUI for further classification
Coor = plot_contours(A,Cn,options,1); close;
% run_GUI = 0;
% if run_GUI
% GUIout = ROI_GUI(A,options,Cn,Coor,keep,ROIvars);
% options = GUIout{2};
% keep = GUIout{3};
% end

%% view contour plots of selected and rejected components (optional)
keep = (ROIvars.rval_space>.7 & ROIvars.rval_time>0);
throw = ~keep;
ax1 = subplot(121); plot_contours(A(:,keep),Cn,options,0,[],Coor,1,find(keep)); title('Selected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
ax2 = subplot(122); plot_contours(A(:,throw),Cn,options,0,[],Coor,1,find(throw));title('Rejected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
%% inspect components

%% refine temporal components
A_keep = A(:,keep);
C_keep = C(keep,:);
[C2,f2,P2,S2,YrA2] = update_temporal_components(data,A_keep,b,C_keep,f,P,options);

%% detrend fluorescence and extract DF/F values
df_percentile = 30;
window = 1000;

F = diag(sum(A_keep.^2))*(C2 + YrA2); % fluorescence
Fd = prctfilt(F,df_percentile,window); % detrended fluorescence
Bc = prctfilt((A_keep'*b)*f2,30,1000,300,0) + (F-Fd); % background + baseline for each component
F_dff = Fd./Bc;

%% deconvolve data

nNeurons = size(F_dff,1);
C_dec = zeros(size(F_dff));
S = zeros(size(F_dff));
kernels = cell(nNeurons,1);
min_sp = 3; % find spikes resulting in transients above min_sp x noise level

for i = 1:nNeurons
[C_dec(i,:),S(i,:),kernels{i}] = deconvCa(F_dff(i,:), [], min_sp, true, false, [], 20, [], 0);

%% plot a random component
i = randi(nNeurons);
T = sizY(end);
figure;plot(1:T,F_dff(i,:),'-k'); hold all; plot(1:T,C_dec(i,:),'r','linewidth',2);
spt = find(S(i,:));
if spt(1) == 1; spt(1) = []; end
hold on; scatter(spt,repmat(-0.25,1,length(spt)),'m*')
title(['Component ',num2str(i)]);
legend('Fluorescence DF/F','Deconvolved','Spikes')
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions use_cases/2017_CajalCourse/demo_CajalCourse_2017.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
gcp; % start a local cluster

filename = 'demoSue2x.tif';
if ~exist(filename,'file');
url = '';
fprintf('downloading the file...');
outfilename = websave(filename,url);
fprintf('done. \n');

addpath(genpath('../../ca_source_extraction-master')); % add packages to matlab path
addpath(genpath('ca_source_extraction')); % add packages to matlab path

%% read file and determine dynamic range

Y = read_file(filename);
[d1,d2,T] = size(Y); % dimensions of file
Y = Y - min(Y(:)); % remove negative offset

minY = quantile(Y(1:1e7),0.0005);
maxY = quantile(Y(1:1e7),1-0.0005);

%% view data
figure;play_movie({Y},{'raw data'},minY,maxY);

%% perform motion correction (start with rigid)
% parameters motion correction
% 'd1','d2': size of FOV
% 'bin_width': how often to update the template
% 'max_shift': maximum allowed rigid shift

options_rg = NoRMCorreSetParms('d1',size(Y,1),'d2',size(Y,2),'bin_width',100,'max_shift',15);

[M_rg,shifts_rg,template_rg] = normcorre_batch(Y,options_rg);

%% view data
tsub = 5; % downsampling factor (only for display purposes)
Y_sub = downsample_data(Y,'time',tsub);
M_rgs = downsample_data(M_rg,'time',tsub);

play_movie({Y_sub,M_rgs},{'raw data','rigid'},minY,maxY);

%% perform non-rigid motion correction
% parameters motion correction
% 'd1','d2': size FOV movie
% 'grid_size','overlap_pre': parameters regulating size of patch (size patch ~ (grid_size + 2*overlap_pre))
% 'mot_uf': upsampling factor of the grid for shift application
% 'bin_width': how often to update the template
% 'max_shift': maximum allowed rigid shift
% 'max_dev': maximum deviation allowed for each patch from the rigid shift value

options_nr = NoRMCorreSetParms('d1',size(Y,1),'d2',size(Y,2),...

[M_nr,shifts_nr,template_nr] = normcorre_batch(Y,options_nr,template_rg);

%% view (downsampled) data

M_nrs = downsample_data(M_nr,'time',tsub);
play_movie({Y_sub,M_rgs,M_nrs},{'raw data','rigid','pw-rigid'},minY,maxY);

%% compute some metrics for motion correction quality assessment

[cY,mY,vY] = motion_metrics(Y,options_rg.max_shift);
[cM_rg,mM_rg,vM_rg] = motion_metrics(M_rg,options_rg.max_shift);
[cM_nr,mM_nr,vM_nr] = motion_metrics(M_nr,options_rg.max_shift);

%% plot metrics
ax(1) = subplot(2,3,1); imagesc(mY,[minY,maxY]); axis equal; axis tight; axis off; title('mean raw data','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
ax(2) = subplot(2,3,2); imagesc(mM_rg,[minY,maxY]); axis equal; axis tight; axis off; title('mean rigid corrected','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
ax(3) = subplot(2,3,3); imagesc(mM_nr,[minY,maxY]); axis equal; axis tight; axis off; title('mean non-rigid corrected','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
subplot(2,3,4); plot(1:T,cY,1:T,cM_rg,1:T,cM_nr); legend('raw data','rigid','non-rigid'); title('correlation coefficients','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
subplot(2,3,5); scatter(cY,cM_rg); hold on; plot([0.9*min(cY),1.05*max(cM_rg)],[0.9*min(cY),1.05*max(cM_rg)],'--r'); axis square;
xlabel('raw data','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold'); ylabel('rigid corrected','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold');
subplot(2,3,6); scatter(cM_rg,cM_nr); hold on; plot([0.95*min(cM_rg),1.05*max(cM_nr)],[0.95*min(cM_rg),1.05*max(cM_nr)],'--r'); axis square;
xlabel('rigid corrected','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold'); ylabel('non-rigid corrected','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold');
%% plot shifts

shifts_r = squeeze(cat(3,shifts_rg(:).shifts));
shifts_n = cat(ndims(shifts_nr(1).shifts)+1,shifts_nr(:).shifts);
shifts_n = reshape(shifts_n,[],ndims(Y)-1,T);
shifts_x = squeeze(shifts_n(:,2,:))';
shifts_y = squeeze(shifts_n(:,1,:))';

patch_id = 1:size(shifts_x,2);
str = strtrim(cellstr(int2str(patch_id.')));
str = cellfun(@(x) ['patch # ',x],str,'un',0);

ax1 = subplot(311); plot(1:T,cY,1:T,cM_rg,1:T,cM_nr); legend('raw data','rigid','non-rigid'); title('correlation coefficients','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
ax2 = subplot(312); plot(shifts_x); hold on; plot(shifts_r(:,2),'--k','linewidth',2); title('displacements along x','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')
ax3 = subplot(313); plot(shifts_y); hold on; plot(shifts_r(:,1),'--k','linewidth',2); title('displacements along y','fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold')

%% now perform source extraction by splitting the FOV in patches

sizY = size(M_nr);
patch_size = [30,30]; % size of each patch along each dimension (optional, default: [32,32])
overlap = [8,8]; % amount of overlap in each dimension (optional, default: [4,4])

patches = construct_patches(sizY(1:end-1),patch_size,overlap);
K = 4; % number of components to be found
tau = 4; % std of gaussian kernel (half size of neuron)
p = 0; % order of autoregressive system (p = 0 no dynamics, p=1 just decay, p = 2, both rise and decay)

options = CNMFSetParms(...
'temporal_iter',2,... % number of block-coordinate descent steps
'ssub',1,... % downsample in space
'tsub',2,... % downsample in time
'merge_thr',0.8,... % merging threshold
'gnb',2,... % number of background components

%% run CNMF algorithm on patches and combine
[A,b,C,f,S,P,RESULTS,YrA] = run_CNMF_patches(M_nr,K,patches,tau,p,options);
[ROIvars.rval_space,ROIvars.rval_time,ROIvars.max_pr,ROIvars.sizeA,keep] = classify_components(M_nr,A,C,b,f,YrA,options);

%% a simple GUI
Cn = correlation_image_max(M_nr);
Coor = plot_contours(A,Cn,options,1); close;
run_GUI = false;
if run_GUI
GUIout = ROI_GUI(A,options,Cn,Coor,keep,ROIvars);
options = GUIout{2};
keep = GUIout{3};

%% view contour plots of selected and rejected components (optional)
throw = ~keep;
ax1 = subplot(121); plot_contours(A(:,keep),Cn,options,0,[],Coor,1,find(keep)); title('Selected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
ax2 = subplot(122); plot_contours(A(:,throw),Cn,options,0,[],Coor,1,find(throw));title('Rejected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
%% inspect components

%% refine temporal components
A_keep = A(:,keep);
C_keep = C(keep,:);
[C2,f2,P2,S2,YrA2] = update_temporal_components(reshape(M_nr,[],T),A_keep,b,C_keep,f,P,options);

%% detrend fluorescence and extract DF/F values

df_percentile = 30;
window = 1000;

F = diag(sum(A_keep.^2))*(C2 + YrA2); % fluorescence
Fd = prctfilt(F,df_percentile,window); % detrended fluorescence
Bc = prctfilt((A_keep'*b)*f2,30,1000,300,0) + (F-Fd); % background + baseline for each component
F_dff = Fd./Bc;

%% deconvolve data

nNeurons = size(F_dff,1);
C_dec = zeros(size(F_dff));
S = zeros(size(F_dff));
kernels = cell(nNeurons,1);
min_sp = 3; % find spikes resulting in transients above min_sp x noise level

for i = 1:nNeurons
[C_dec(i,:),S(i,:),kernels{i}] = deconvCa(F_dff(i,:), [], min_sp, true, false, [], 20, [], 0);

%% plot a random component

i = randi(nNeurons);

figure;plot(1:T,F_dff(i,:),'--k'); hold all; plot(1:T,C_dec(i,:),'r','linewidth',2);
spt = find(S(i,:));
if spt(1) == 1; spt(1) = []; end
hold on; scatter(spt,repmat(-0.25,1,length(spt)),'m*')
title(['Component ',num2str(i)]);

legend('Fluorescence DF/F','Deconvolved','Spikes')

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