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feat: add FixesTVL contract for calculating.
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btspoony committed Dec 28, 2024
1 parent 1d25adc commit d251e24
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Showing 6 changed files with 196 additions and 153 deletions.
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions cadence/contracts/FixesTVL.cdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
> Author: Fixes Lab <>
# FixesTVL
This is an utility contract for calculating the Total Value Locked (TVL) of the Fixes ecosystem.
import "FungibleToken"
import "LiquidStaking"
import "stFlowToken"
// Fixes Imports
import "FRC20FTShared"
import "FRC20Indexer"
import "FRC20Staking"
import "FRC20AccountsPool"
import "FRC20Marketplace"
import "FRC20Storefront"
import "FGameLottery"
import "FGameLotteryRegistry"
import "FGameLotteryFactory"
import "FixesFungibleTokenInterface"
import "FixesTokenLockDrops"
import "FixesTradablePool"

/// The Fixes Asset Genes contract
access(all) contract FixesTVL {

/// Get Flow Value of all staked $flows tokens
fun getAllStakedFlowValue(): UFix64 {
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let stakingTokens = acctsPool.getAddresses(type: FRC20AccountsPool.ChildAccountType.Staking)

var totalTVL = 0.0
let ticks = stakingTokens.keys

for tick in ticks {
let stakingAddr = stakingTokens[tick]!
let stakingPool = FRC20Staking.borrowPool(stakingAddr)
if stakingPool == nil {

let indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
// calculate floor price
let benchmarkPrice = indexer.getBenchmarkValue(tick: tick)
var floorPrice = benchmarkPrice

if let marketAddr = acctsPool.getFRC20MarketAddress(tick: tick) {
if let market = FRC20Marketplace.borrowMarket(marketAddr) {
let buyPriceRanks = market.getPriceRanks(type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow)
if buyPriceRanks.length > 0 {
var i = 0
let floorPriceRank = buyPriceRanks[i]
let listIds = market.getListedIds(type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow, rank: floorPriceRank)
if listIds.length > 0 {
if let listing = market.getListedItem(
type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow,
rank: floorPriceRank,
id: listIds[0]
) {
if let details = listing.getDetails() {
floorPrice = details.pricePerToken()
} // end if
var details = stakingPool!.getDetails()
let validStaked = details.totalStaked - details.totalUnstakingLocked

totalTVL = totalTVL + (validStaked * (floorPrice - benchmarkPrice))
return totalTVL

/// Get Flow Value of all treasury pool balances
fun getAllTreasuryFlowValue(): UFix64 {
let indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
let tokens = indexer.getTokens()
var totalBalance = 0.0
// all treasury pool balance
for tick in tokens {
let balance = indexer.getPoolBalance(tick: tick)
totalBalance = totalBalance + balance

// FLOW lottery jackpot balance
let registry = FGameLotteryRegistry.borrowRegistry()
let flowLotteryPoolName = FGameLotteryFactory.getFIXESMintingLotteryPoolName()
if let poolAddr = registry.getLotteryPoolAddress(flowLotteryPoolName) {
if let poolRef = FGameLottery.borrowLotteryPool(poolAddr) {
let jackpotBalance = poolRef.getJackpotPoolBalance()
totalBalance = totalBalance + jackpotBalance

// Unclaimed FLOW Reward in the staking reward pool
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let platformStakingTick = FRC20FTShared.getPlatformStakingTickerName()
if let stakingPoolAddr = acctsPool.getFRC20StakingAddress(tick: platformStakingTick) {
if let stakingPool = FRC20Staking.borrowPool(stakingPoolAddr) {
if let detail = stakingPool.getRewardDetails("") {
totalBalance = totalBalance + detail.totalReward

return totalBalance

/// Get Flow Value of all locked Fixes coins
fun getAllLockedCoinFlowValue(): UFix64 {
// singleton resource and constants
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let frc20Indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
let stFlowTokenKey = "@".concat(Type<@stFlowToken.Vault>().identifier)

// dictionary of addresses
let addrsDict = acctsPool.getAddresses(type: FRC20AccountsPool.ChildAccountType.FungibleToken)
// dictionary of tickers and total locked token balances
let tickerTotal: {String: UFix64} = {}
// This is the soft burned LP value which is fully locked in the BlackHole Vault
var flowLockedInBondingCurve = 0.0
var flowValueLockedInLotteryPool = 0.0
addrsDict.forEachKey(fun (key: String): Bool {
if let addr = addrsDict[key] {
// sum up all locked token balances in LockDrops Pool
if let dropsPool = FixesTokenLockDrops.borrowDropsPool(addr) {
let lockedTokenSymbol = dropsPool.getLockingTokenTicker()
tickerTotal[lockedTokenSymbol] = (tickerTotal[lockedTokenSymbol] ?? 0.0) + dropsPool.getTotalLockedTokenBalance()
// sum up all locked flow in Bonding Curve
if let tradablePool = FixesTradablePool.borrowTradablePool(addr) {
flowLockedInBondingCurve = flowLockedInBondingCurve + tradablePool.getFlowBalanceInPool()

// sum up all locked flow in Lottery Pool
if let lotteryPool = FGameLottery.borrowLotteryPool(addr) {
let lotteryPoolBalance = lotteryPool.getPoolTotalBalance()
let flowValue = tradablePool.getSwapEstimatedAmount(true, amount: lotteryPoolBalance)
flowValueLockedInLotteryPool = flowValueLockedInLotteryPool + flowValue
return true
// sum up all locked token balances in LockDrops Pool
var totalLockingTokenTVL = 0.0
tickerTotal.forEachKey(fun (key: String): Bool {
let lockedAmount = tickerTotal[key]!
if key == "" {
// this is locked FLOW
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + lockedAmount
} else if key == "fixes" {
// this is locked FIXES
let price = frc20Indexer.getBenchmarkValue(tick: "fixes")
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + lockedAmount * price
} else if key == stFlowTokenKey {
// this is locked stFlow
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + LiquidStaking.calcFlowFromStFlow(stFlowAmount: lockedAmount)
return true
return totalLockingTokenTVL + flowLockedInBondingCurve + flowValueLockedInLotteryPool
62 changes: 2 additions & 60 deletions cadence/scripts/tvl/get-all-ft-locked-value.cdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,6 @@
import "LiquidStaking"
import "stFlowToken"
// Fixes Imports
import "FRC20AccountsPool"
import "FixesFungibleTokenInterface"
import "FixesTokenLockDrops"
import "FixesTradablePool"
import "FRC20Indexer"
import "FGameLottery"
import "FixesTVL"

fun main(): UFix64 {
// singleton resource and constants
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let frc20Indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
let stFlowTokenKey = "@".concat(Type<@stFlowToken.Vault>().identifier)

// dictionary of addresses
let addrsDict = acctsPool.getAddresses(type: FRC20AccountsPool.ChildAccountType.FungibleToken)
// dictionary of tickers and total locked token balances
let tickerTotal: {String: UFix64} = {}
// This is the soft burned LP value which is fully locked in the BlackHole Vault
var flowLockedInBondingCurve = 0.0
var flowValueLockedInLotteryPool = 0.0
addrsDict.forEachKey(fun (key: String): Bool {
if let addr = addrsDict[key] {
// sum up all locked token balances in LockDrops Pool
if let dropsPool = FixesTokenLockDrops.borrowDropsPool(addr) {
let lockedTokenSymbol = dropsPool.getLockingTokenTicker()
tickerTotal[lockedTokenSymbol] = (tickerTotal[lockedTokenSymbol] ?? 0.0) + dropsPool.getTotalLockedTokenBalance()
// sum up all locked flow in Bonding Curve
if let tradablePool = FixesTradablePool.borrowTradablePool(addr) {
flowLockedInBondingCurve = flowLockedInBondingCurve + tradablePool.getFlowBalanceInPool()

// sum up all locked flow in Lottery Pool
if let lotteryPool = FGameLottery.borrowLotteryPool(addr) {
let lotteryPoolBalance = lotteryPool.getPoolTotalBalance()
let flowValue = tradablePool.getSwapEstimatedAmount(true, amount: lotteryPoolBalance)
flowValueLockedInLotteryPool = flowValueLockedInLotteryPool + flowValue
return true
// sum up all locked token balances in LockDrops Pool
var totalLockingTokenTVL = 0.0
tickerTotal.forEachKey(fun (key: String): Bool {
let lockedAmount = tickerTotal[key]!
if key == "" {
// this is locked FLOW
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + lockedAmount
} else if key == "fixes" {
// this is locked FIXES
let price = frc20Indexer.getBenchmarkValue(tick: "fixes")
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + lockedAmount * price
} else if key == stFlowTokenKey {
// this is locked stFlow
totalLockingTokenTVL = totalLockingTokenTVL + LiquidStaking.calcFlowFromStFlow(stFlowAmount: lockedAmount)
return true
return totalLockingTokenTVL + flowLockedInBondingCurve + flowValueLockedInLotteryPool
return FixesTVL.getAllLockedCoinFlowValue()
53 changes: 2 additions & 51 deletions cadence/scripts/tvl/get-all-staked-tokens.cdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,55 +1,6 @@
import "FRC20Staking"
import "FRC20AccountsPool"
import "FRC20Marketplace"
import "FRC20Storefront"
import "FRC20Indexer"
import "FixesTVL"

fun main(): UFix64 {
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let stakingTokens = acctsPool.getAddresses(type: FRC20AccountsPool.ChildAccountType.Staking)

var totalTVL = 0.0
let ticks = stakingTokens.keys

for tick in ticks {
let stakingAddr = stakingTokens[tick]!
let stakingPool = FRC20Staking.borrowPool(stakingAddr)
if stakingPool == nil {

let indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
// calculate floor price
let benchmarkPrice = indexer.getBenchmarkValue(tick: tick)
var floorPrice = benchmarkPrice

if let marketAddr = acctsPool.getFRC20MarketAddress(tick: tick) {
if let market = FRC20Marketplace.borrowMarket(marketAddr) {
let buyPriceRanks = market.getPriceRanks(type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow)
if buyPriceRanks.length > 0 {
var i = 0
let floorPriceRank = buyPriceRanks[i]
let listIds = market.getListedIds(type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow, rank: floorPriceRank)
if listIds.length > 0 {
if let listing = market.getListedItem(
type: FRC20Storefront.ListingType.FixedPriceBuyNow,
rank: floorPriceRank,
id: listIds[0]
) {
if let details = listing.getDetails() {
floorPrice = details.pricePerToken()
} // end if
var details = stakingPool!.getDetails()
let validStaked = details.totalStaked - details.totalUnstakingLocked

totalTVL = totalTVL + (validStaked * (floorPrice - benchmarkPrice))
return totalTVL
return FixesTVL.getAllStakedFlowValue()
40 changes: 2 additions & 38 deletions cadence/scripts/tvl/get-all-treasury-flow-balance.cdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,6 @@
import "FRC20Indexer"
import "FGameLottery"
import "FGameLotteryRegistry"
import "FGameLotteryFactory"
import "FRC20FTShared"
import "FRC20Staking"
import "FRC20AccountsPool"
import "FixesTVL"

fun main(): UFix64 {
let indexer = FRC20Indexer.getIndexer()
let tokens = indexer.getTokens()
var totalBalance = 0.0
// all treasury pool balance
for tick in tokens {
let balance = indexer.getPoolBalance(tick: tick)
totalBalance = totalBalance + balance

// FLOW lottery jackpot balance
let registry = FGameLotteryRegistry.borrowRegistry()
let flowLotteryPoolName = FGameLotteryFactory.getFIXESMintingLotteryPoolName()
if let poolAddr = registry.getLotteryPoolAddress(flowLotteryPoolName) {
if let poolRef = FGameLottery.borrowLotteryPool(poolAddr) {
let jackpotBalance = poolRef.getJackpotPoolBalance()
totalBalance = totalBalance + jackpotBalance

// Unclaimed FLOW Reward in the staking reward pool
let acctsPool = FRC20AccountsPool.borrowAccountsPool()
let platformStakingTick = FRC20FTShared.getPlatformStakingTickerName()
if let stakingPoolAddr = acctsPool.getFRC20StakingAddress(tick: platformStakingTick) {
if let stakingPool = FRC20Staking.borrowPool(stakingPoolAddr) {
if let detail = stakingPool.getRewardDetails("") {
totalBalance = totalBalance + detail.totalReward

return totalBalance
return FixesTVL.getAllTreasuryFlowValue()
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions flow.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,13 @@
"testnet": "b7248baa24a95c3f"
"FixesTVL": {
"source": "cadence/contracts/FixesTVL.cdc",
"aliases": {
"mainnet": "d2abb5dbf5e08666",
"testnet": "b7248baa24a95c3f"
"FixesWrappedNFT": {
"source": "cadence/contracts/FixesWrappedNFT.cdc",
"aliases": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,7 +1070,8 @@
"mainnet": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1104,7 +1112,8 @@
"testnet": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1154,8 @@
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@fixes/contracts",
"version": "1.2.3",
"version": "1.3.0",
"exports": {
"./contracts/*": "./cadence/contracts/*",
"./transactions/*": "./cadence/transactions/*",
Expand Down

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