This project consists on building a video game using JavaScript and the game engine phaser.
This is a simple game, made using phaser framework. The objective of this game is to collect the diamond on the scene while trying to avoid the spikes. You start with 3 lives and if you hit the spikes, you lose one. Each diamond gives you 3 scores. So, try to collect all of them. The game is over if you run out of lives or collect all the diamonds. Have fun!
- babel
- eslint
- jest
- phaser
- webpack
- git
babel, eslint, jest, phaser, webpack and git was used on this project.
this project can be found in

to get started with the app, clone the repo:
$ [email protected]:firmoholanda/platform-game-js-webpack-phaser.git
navigate into the newly created folder:
$ cd platform-game-js-webpack-phaser
install the dependencies:
$ npm install
bundle the files and start the development server:
$ npm start
visit this link in your browser:
$ http://localhost:8000/
run tests:
$ npm test
to move around the map with the character you use the arrow keys on your keyboard. each arrow key moves the character in the respective direction. you can use the spacebar to jump.
there are several spikes throughout the map, avoid touching them. if you touch one, you will lose one life. you have 3 lives at the start of the game.
diamonds are the objective of the game, you have to capture each diamond in the current map to advance to the next one. each diamond gives you 3 points. there are a total of 3 diamonds on the game. one for each map.
contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
feel free to check issues page.
- fork it (
- create your working branch (git checkout -b [choose-a-name])
- commit your changes (git commit -am 'what this commit will fix/add/improve')
- push to the branch (git push origin [chosen-name])
- create a new pull request
firmo holanda - GitHub
all sounds, images, backgrounds, buttons and the background music can be found on OpenGameArt
give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
this project is MIT licensed.