Linux UFW Web PHP GUI Project
In 2018 I've started with my first web service project on a virtual hosted linux server which was accessible and unprotected from outside (INET) and so I decided to protect the hosted server with the uncomplicated firewall (UFW) to allow/restrict and deny network traffic.
Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) is a program for managing a netfilter firewall designed to be easy to use. It uses a command-line interface consisting of a small number of simple commands, and uses iptables for configuration.
As I have noticed that it is really hard to find some GUI (text/web gui) for the Linux UFW system I decided to develope a new/simple and easy PHP web fronted GUI for the Linux UFW (U)ncomplimented (F)ire(W)all.
To be more flexible to configure the uncomplicated firewall (UFW) I decided to start developing some shell scripts and php forms which can be used as a simple frontend GUI.
Features in Version 1.0
List TOP 10 UFW blocked IP sources per Week (including Hit Counter)
List TOP 10 UFW blocked IP sources per Day (including Hit Counter)
List all UFW deny rules
Enter a specific source IP for which you want to lookup for scanned ports
Enter deny rule for specific source IP address and block
Of course this stage of development has big potential to be improved, corrected and enhanced. You're welcome to contribute to make from the original idea - this stage of development a great useable PHP frontend GUI for the UFW (Universal Firewall).
I will keep you updated. Screenshots will be available soon. Your comment is highly appreciated.
Thank you, Wolfgang Sesin aka