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Gap fill zero-values in livestock production where animal stocks are …
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ohinz998 committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 0f90626 commit e8b07b9
Showing 1 changed file with 113 additions and 1 deletion.
114 changes: 113 additions & 1 deletion R/01_1_tidy_fao.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -625,10 +625,122 @@ live[unit %in% c("Head", "An"), `:=`(unit = "head")]
live[unit %in% c("1000 US$", "1000 USD"), `:=`(value = value * 1000, unit = "usd")]
live[unit == "t", `:=`(unit = "tonnes")]

# Gap fill cases where there are animal stocks but no production
live <- readRDS("data/tidy/live_tidy.rds")
input_path <- input_path <- "/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/v1.2/current/"
regions <- fread(file=paste0(input_path,"regions.csv"))

live <- copy(live)
live[, region := regions$region[match(area, regions$area)]]

# Define the groupings for animals to later determine if there are stocks but no production
item_to_group <- list(
"Cattle" = c("Cattle", "Meat, cattle", "Milk, whole fresh cow"),
"Buffaloes" = c("Buffaloes", "Meat, buffalo", "Milk, whole fresh buffalo"),
"Sheep" = c("Sheep", "Meat, sheep", "Milk, whole fresh sheep"),
"Goats" = c("Goats", "Meat, goat", "Milk, whole fresh goat"),
"Pigs" = c("Pigs", "Meat, pig"),
"Poultry" = c("Meat, Poultry", "Eggs Primary", "Poultry Birds"),
"Horses" = c("Horses", "Meat, horse"),
"Asses" = c("Asses", "Meat, ass"),
"Mules" = c("Mules", "Meat, mule"),
"Camels" = c("Camels", "Meat, camel", "Milk, whole fresh camel"),
"Rabbits" = c("Rabbits and hares", "Meat, rabbit"),
"Rodents" = c("Rodents, other", "Meat, other rodents")

#Assign groups to each item (animal)
live[, group := fifelse(
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Cattle"]), "Cattle",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Buffaloes"]), "Buffaloes",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Sheep"]), "Sheep",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Goats"]), "Goats",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Pigs"]), "Pigs",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Poultry"]), "Poultry",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Horses"]), "Horses",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Asses"]), "Asses",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Mules"]), "Mules",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Camels"]), "Camels",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Rabbits"]), "Rabbits",
item %in% unlist(item_to_group["Rodents"]), "Rodents",

# find regional conversions from stocks to production for meat items that match live stock entries
conv_meat <- live[, .(area, region, year, element, item, group, value)]
conv_meat <- conv_meat[element %in% c("Stocks", "Production") &
item %in% c("Cattle", "Meat, cattle", "Buffaloes", "Meat, buffalo", "Sheep", "Meat, sheep",
"Goats", "Meat, goat", "Pigs", "Meat, pig", "Horses",
"Meat, horse", "Asses", "Meat, ass", "Mules", "Meat, mule", "Camels",
"Meat, camel", "Rabbits and hares", "Meat, rabbit", "Rodents, other",
"Meat, other rodents", "Camelids, other", "Meat, other camelids"
, "Meat, Poultry", "Poultry Birds")]
conv_meat <- dcast(conv_meat, region + year + group +area ~ element, value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = sum)
conv_meat[, conversion := Production / Stocks]
conv_meat[conversion == 0 | !is.finite(conversion),] <- NA
conv_meat[, conversion := mean(conversion, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(region, year, group)] #regional average
conv_meat[, conversion := mean(conversion, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(year, group)] #global average
conv_meat <- conv_meat[Stocks > 0 & ! & (Production == 0 |,][
,Production := Stocks * conversion]

#match meat items to rows in conv_meat
item_conc <- rbindlist(
lapply(names(item_to_group), function(group) {
data.table(group = group, item = item_to_group[[group]])
item_conc <- item_conc[grepl("Meat", item, = TRUE)]
conv_meat <- conv_meat[, item := item_conc$item[match(group, item_conc$group)] ]

#add back to live
live <- merge(live, conv_meat[,.(year, item, area, Production)], by = c("year", "item", "area"),all.x = TRUE)
live[! & element == "Production", value := Production ]
live[, Production := NULL]

# do the same for milk -> easier here, because of milk animal columns
conv_milk <- live[element %in% c("Milk Animals", "Production") &
item %in% c("Milk, whole fresh camel", "Milk, whole fresh buffalo",
"Milk, whole fresh cow", "Milk, whole fresh goat", "Milk, whole fresh sheep")]
conv_milk <- dcast(conv_milk, region + area + year + group ~ element, value.var = "value")
conv_milk[, conversion := Production / `Milk Animals`]
conv_milk[!is.finite(conversion) | conversion == 0,] <- NA
conv_milk[, conversion := mean(conversion, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(region, year, group)]
conv_milk[, conversion := mean(conversion, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(year, group)]
conv_milk <- conv_milk[`Milk Animals` > 0 & !`Milk Animals`) & (Production == 0 |,][
,Production := `Milk Animals` * conversion]

# merge with live
live <- merge(live, conv_milk[, .(area, year, group, Production)],
by = c("area", "year", "group"), all.x = TRUE)
live <- live[! & element == "Production", value := Production ]
live[, `:=`(Production = NULL, group =NULL, region = NULL)]

# Store
saveRDS(live, "data/tidy/live_tidy.rds")
rm(live, live_conc)
rm(live, live_conc, conv_meat, conv_milk, item_conc, item_to_group)

# Prices -------------------------------------------------------------------
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