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Update scripts for data release. Add scripts to create mining grid la…
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vwmaus committed Jan 23, 2020
1 parent b501152 commit cdfdcfd
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Showing 3 changed files with 199 additions and 12 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions post-processing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import sys
import argparse
import multiprocessing
import rasterio
import fiona
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import shape, box, MultiPolygon
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from rasterio import features
from affine import Affine

# initiate the parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

# add long and short argument
parser.add_argument("--inputfile", "-i", help="set path to the input geometries. The input file must have polygons/multipolygons")
parser.add_argument("--outputfile", "-o", help="set path to output raster file")
parser.add_argument("--xmin", "-xmin", help="set the bounding coordinates of the output raster. The coordinates must have the same CRS as the input file")
parser.add_argument("--xmax", "-xmax", help="set the bounding coordinates of the output raster. The coordinates must have the same CRS as the input file")
parser.add_argument("--ymin", "-ymin", help="set the bounding coordinates of the output raster. The coordinates must have the same CRS as the input file")
parser.add_argument("--ymax", "-ymax", help="set the bounding coordinates of the output raster. The coordinates must have the same CRS as the input file")
parser.add_argument("--nrow", "-nrow", help="set number of rows of the output raster file")
parser.add_argument("--ncol", "-ncol", help="set number of columns of the output raster file")

# read arguments from the command line
args = parser.parse_args()

def _rasterize_geom(geom, dim, affine_trans, all_touched):
out_array = features.rasterize(
[(geom, 1)],
out_shape = dim,
transform = affine_trans,
fill = 0,
all_touched = all_touched)
return out_array

def _calculate_cell_coverage(r, c, affine_trans, geom):

# Construct the geometry of grid cell from its boundaries
window = ((r, r+1), (c, c+1))
((row_min, row_max), (col_min, col_max)) = window
x_min, y_min = (col_min, row_max) * affine_trans
x_max, y_max = (col_max, row_min) * affine_trans
bounds = (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
cell = box(*bounds)

# get the intersection between the cell and the polygons
cell_intersection = cell.intersection(geom)

# calculate the percentage of cell covered by the polygon
cell_coverage = int(cell_intersection.area / cell.area * 100)

return cell_coverage

#def main(argv):
if __name__ == "__main__":

# convert arguments to numeric data types
#GDAL: (c, a, b, f, d, e)
#Affine: (a, b, c, d, e, f)
xmin = float(args.xmin)
xmax = float(args.xmax)
ymin = float(args.ymin)
ymax = float(args.ymax)
dim = (int(args.nrow), int(args.ncol))
dy = abs((ymax - ymin) / dim[0])
dx = abs((xmax - xmin) / dim[1])
affine_trans = Affine(dx, 0.0, xmin, 0.0, -dy, ymax)

# open input geometries and transform to destination crs
feat =

# select featuers within bounding box
print "Selecting featuers within bounding box"
feat_intersecting = feat.filter(bbox=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
geom = MultiPolygon([shape(pol['geometry']) for pol in feat_intersecting])

if geom.is_empty:
sys.exit("warning: Nothing to do. There are not geometries overlapping the bounding box. Check the bounding coordinates and the polygons CRS")

profile = {
'affine': affine_trans,
'height': dim[0],
'width': dim[1],
'count': 1,
'crs': {'init':['init']},
'driver': 'GTiff',
'dtype': 'uint8',
'compress': 'lzw',
'nodata': None,
'tiled': False,
'transform': affine_trans}

# fill grid cells intersecting polygons with 100%
print "Filling grid cells 100% coverd by polygons"
perc_raster = _rasterize_geom(geom, dim, affine_trans, all_touched=True) * 100

# get cells touching polygons borders
print "Selecting cells touching polygons borders"
boundary = _rasterize_geom(geom.boundary, dim, affine_trans, all_touched=True)
idx = zip(*np.where(boundary == 1))
rows, cols = zip(*idx)

# calculate percentage of coverage for cells touching polygons borders
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
print "Calculate percentage of coverage for cells touching polygons borders using ", num_cores, " cores"
perc_raster[rows, cols] = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(_calculate_cell_coverage)(i, j, affine_trans, geom) for i, j in idx)

with, 'w', **profile) as dst:
dst.write(perc_raster, 1)
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions post-processing/create_1arcsecond_grid_tiles.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this script creates grid talies with the percentage of mining cover per grid cell
# based ond the mining polygons
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
release_version <- "v1"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required packages --------------------------------------------------------------------
# this script also depends on the python libraries: sys, argparse, multiprocessing,
# rasterio, fiona, numpy, shapely, joblib, delayed, affine and the python script ./

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define input parameters --------------------------------------------------------------
release_version <- "v1"
mining_polygons_file_path <- paste0("./global_mining_polygons_",release_version,".gpkg")
mining_gir_path <- Sys.getenv("mining_gir_path") # Output path
tile_grid_path <- Sys.getenv("tile_grid_path") # Hansen_GFC-2017-v1.5_treecover2000* files
dir.create(mining_gir_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create mining grid tiles -------------------------------------------------------------
tiles <- dir(tile_grid_path, pattern = ".tif$", full.names = TRUE)
pb <- progress_estimated(length(tiles))
for(tl in tiles){

# get tile
r_tl <- raster::raster(tl)

# set output file name
out_tl_path <- basename(tl) %>%
stringr::str_replace("Hansen_GFC-2017-v1.5_treecover2000", paste0("/miningcover_1arcsecond_",release_version)) %>%
stringr::str_glue(mining_gir_path, .)

# calculate tile area weights
# For help see: system("./ -h")
system(paste0("./ \\
-i ",mining_polygons_file_path," \\
-o ",out_tl_path," \\
-xmin ",extent(r_tl)[1]," \\
-xmax ",extent(r_tl)[2]," \\
-ymin ",extent(r_tl)[3]," \\
-ymax ",extent(r_tl)[4]," \\
-ncol ",ncol(r_tl)," \\
-nrow ",nrow(r_tl)))



47 changes: 35 additions & 12 deletions post-processing/create_data_release.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this script creates a release version of the mining polygons -------------------------
# define release version ---------------------------------------------------------------
release_version <- "v1"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required packages --------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand All @@ -12,18 +10,22 @@ library(lwgeom)

# define release version ---------------------------------------------------------------
release_version <- "v1"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get raw data from PostGIS database ---------------------------------------------------
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(),
host = Sys.getenv("db_host"),
port = Sys.getenv("db_port"),
dbname = Sys.getenv("db_name"),
user = Sys.getenv("db_user"),
password = Sys.getenv("db_password"))
host = Sys.getenv("db_host"),
port = Sys.getenv("db_port"),
dbname = Sys.getenv("db_name"),
user = Sys.getenv("db_user"),
password = Sys.getenv("db_password"))

raw_mining_polygons <- sf::st_read(conn, "mine_polygon")
raw_mining_polygons <- sf::st_read("global_mining_polygons_v1r5_raw.gpkg")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ country_names <- mining_polygons %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(-area) %>%

# correct for missing intersection by selecting the closest country
country_names <- world_map %>%
dplyr::slice(sf::st_nearest_feature(mining_polygons[which(sapply(ids_intersects, length) < 1),], .)) %>%
Expand All @@ -100,13 +102,14 @@ mining_polygons <- mining_polygons %>%
sf::st_transform(gfcanalysis::utm_zone(sf::as_Spatial(.), proj4string = TRUE)) %>%
sf::st_area() %>%

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# write release data to GeoPackage -----------------------------------------------------
path_to_mining_polygons <- paste0("./global_mining_polygons_",release_version,".gpkg")
sf::st_write(mining_polygons, layer = "mining_polygons",
dsn = paste0("./global_mining_polygons_",release_version,".gpkg"), delete_dsn = TRUE)
dsn = path_to_mining_polygons, delete_dsn = TRUE)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# write summary of mining aea per country in (km2) -------------------------------------
Expand All @@ -120,4 +123,24 @@ mining_polygons %>%
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(AREA)) %>%

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create 30sec global grid with a percentage of mining coverage per cell ---------------
# For help see: system("./ -h")
tmp_file <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".tif")
system.time(system(paste0("./ \\
-i ",path_to_mining_polygons," \\
-o ",tmp_file," \\
-xmin ", -180," \\
-xmax ", 180," \\
-ymin ", -90," \\
-ymax ", 90," \\
-ncol ", 43200," \\
-nrow ", 21600)))

path_to_land_mask_raster <- Sys.getenv("path_to_land_mask_raster")
path_to_mining_30sec_grid <- paste0("./global_miningcover_30sec_",release_version,".tif")
raster::beginCluster(n = 12)
system.time(raster::clusterR(x = raster::stack(list(tmp_file, path_to_land_mask_raster)),
fun = raster::overlay, args = list(fun = function(x, m) x * m),
filename = path_to_mining_30sec_grid, datatype = 'INT2U', options = c("compress=LZW"), overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE))

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