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still a bug in the extraction data feed regarding aggregated mother r…
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…egions. As a next step testing different options with aggregation vectors.
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Hanspeter85 committed Mar 6, 2020
1 parent ad170c5 commit a025664
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Showing 13 changed files with 513 additions and 83 deletions.
266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions ConcordanceLibrary/BACI_Sec_Concordance.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ConcordanceLibrary/EoLPauliuk_Sec_Concordance.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ConcordanceLibrary/IRPextraction_Sec_Concordance.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Expand Down
86 changes: 64 additions & 22 deletions Rscripts/datafeeds_code/datafeed_PIOLab_BACI.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,45 +27,87 @@ data <- select(data,-value)

# Set variables
reg_max <- nrow(root$region)
n_yea <- "1"
n_yea <- as.character(year-2007)
n_she <- "1"
n_pro <- nrow(root$product)
n_ind <- nrow(root$industry)

# Create empty ALANG table with header

reg <- list("From" = list("Name" = root$region$Name[data$From],
"Num" = as.character(data$From)),
"To" = list("Name" = root$region$Name[data$To],
"Num" = as.character(data$To)))

prod <- list("Name" = root$product$Name[data$Product],
"Num" = as.character(data$Product))
# Check if folder with processed data exists, in case delete and create empty one
path_set <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",datafeed_name)
if(dir.exists(path_set)) unlink(path_set,recursive = TRUE)

value <- list("Quantity" = as.character(round(data$Quantity,digits = 2)),
"SE" = as.character(round(data$SE,digits = 2)))
mat <- matrix(0,nrow = n_pro,ncol = 1) # Empty matrix to put numbers in

# Set length of ALANG file
ALANG_new <-,nrow = nrow(data),ncol = ncol(ALANG)))
colnames(ALANG_new) <- colnames(ALANG)
a <- 1 # Set starting value for alang line index
for(i in unique(data$From)) # Loop over the exporting regions
data_sel <- filter(data,From == i) # Filter exporting region

for(j in unique(data_sel$To)) # Loop over trade partners
# Add empty line with tag
ALANG <- add_row(ALANG,'1' = paste0("DataFeed BACI from ",root$region$Name[i]," to ",root$region$Name[j]))

trader_sel <- filter(data_sel,To == j) %>% select(-From,-To) # select data for trade partners

values <- mat # Create empty column vector
values[trader_sel$Product,1] <- trader_sel$Quantity # Write values

filename_value <- paste0("BACI_",year,"_Values_",root$region$Name[i],"-",
root$region$Name[j],".csv") # Set name of the file

write.table(values,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE, sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_value)) # Write array to folder

SE <- mat # Create empty column vector and write SE

SE[trader_sel$Product,1] <- trader_sel$SE # Write SE numbers into array

filename_SE <- paste0("BACI_",year,"_SE_",root$region$Name[i],"-",
root$region$Name[j],".csv") # Set name of the file

write.table(SE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE, sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_SE)) # Write array to folder

ALANG$Value[a] <- paste0("DATAPATH/",filename_value)
ALANG$S.E.[a] <- paste0("DATAPATH/",filename_SE)

ALANG$`Row parent`[a] <- as.character(i)
ALANG$`Column parent`[a] <- as.character(j)

a <- a + 1 # Increase ALANG line index

# Add commands
ALANG$`1` <- paste0("DataFeed BACI product ",prod$Num," from ",reg$From$Name," to ",reg$To$Name)
ALANG$Value <- value$Quantity
ALANG$S.E. <- value$SE
ALANG$`Pre-map` <- ""
ALANG$`Post-map` <- ""
ALANG$`Pre-Map` <- ""
ALANG$`Post-Map` <- ""
ALANG$Coef1 <- "1"
ALANG$Incl <- "Y"
ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))
ALANG$Parts <- "1"
ALANG$Years <- n_yea
ALANG$Margin <- n_she

ALANG$`Row parent` <- reg$From$Num
ALANG$`Row child` <- "2"
ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- prod$Num
ALANG$`Column parent` <- reg$To$Num
ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- "1:e"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"

# # Create and write sector concordance to file
# Concord <- matrix(1,nrow = n_pro,ncol = n_ind) # block matrix required for aggregation
# # Set name and path to concordance and write to folder
# Concorda_name <- "BACI_Sec_Concordance"
# Concord_path <- paste0(path$Concordance,"/",Concorda_name,".csv")
# write.table(Concord,file = Concord_path,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",")

# Add path to concordance to ALANG commands
#ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- paste0("1-e t2 CONCPATH/",Concorda_name,".csv")
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "1-e"

# Call script that writes the ALANG file to the repsective folder in the root
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Rscripts/datafeeds_code/datafeed_PIOLab_IRPexports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# datafeed_PIOLab_IRPexports

datafeed_name <- "IRPexports"
print(paste0("datafeed_PIOLab_",datafeed_name," initiated."))

Expand Down
63 changes: 47 additions & 16 deletions Rscripts/datafeeds_code/datafeed_PIOLab_IRPextraction.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,12 +22,17 @@ source(paste0(path$Subroutines,"/SE_LogRegression.R"))
RSE <- filter(read.xlsx(path$RSE_settings),Item == datafeed_name)
data <- SE_LogRegression(data,RSE$Minimum,RSE$Maximum)

# Create identity matrix to be used as concordance when doing t command
Concord <- diag(length(root$region$Code))

# Create empty ALANG table with header
# Extend table with additional columns

# Check if folder with processed data exists, in case delete and create empty one
path_set <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",datafeed_name)
if(dir.exists(path_set)) unlink(path_set,recursive = TRUE)

# Add lines for regions with non-zero data

for(i in 1:nrow(data))
Expand All @@ -36,48 +41,74 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(data))
reg_name <- as.character(root$region$Name[reg_num])
reg_num <- as.character(reg_num)

# Write data to processed folder
# First, value RHS
export_value <- matrix(c(data$Quantity[i],0),nrow = 2,ncol = 1)
filename_value <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_Value_",year,"_",reg_name,".csv")
write.table(export_value,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_value))

# Second, standard errors
export_SE <- matrix(c(data$SE[i],0),nrow = 2,ncol = 1)
filename_SE <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_SE_",year,"_",reg_name,".csv")
write.table(export_SE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_SE))

# Read extraction value
value <- paste0("[",data$Quantity[i],";","NaN","]")
value <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename_value)
# Set SE
SE <- paste0("[",as.character(data$SE[i]),";","NaN","]")
SE <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename_SE)

# Add command for domestic Use table
ALANG <- add_row(ALANG,'1' = paste0("DataFeed IRP Extraction ",reg_name),
Value = value,'Row parent' = reg_num,'Column parent' = reg_num,S.E. = SE)

# Add NaN to all other regions
for(i in setdiff(root$region$Code,data$Code))
# Add zero for all other regions

AllOtherRegions <- setdiff(root$region$Code,data$Code)

export <- matrix(0,nrow = 2,ncol = 1) # set values
filename <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_Value&SE_",year,"_AllOtherRegions.csv")
SE <- value <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename)

# Write values/SE to file
write.table(export,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename))

for(i in AllOtherRegions)
# Get root_code of region
reg_num <- root$region$Code[i]
reg_num <- i
reg_name <- as.character(root$region$Name[reg_num])
reg_num <- as.character(reg_num)

# Read extraction value
value <- SE <- paste0("[NaN;NaN]")

# Add command for domestic Use table
ALANG <- add_row(ALANG,'1' = paste0("DataFeed IRP Extraction ",reg_name),
Value = value,'Row parent' = reg_num,'Column parent' = reg_num,S.E. = SE)

# Add other variables

# Create industry concordance
max_ind <- length(root$industry$Code)
Concord <- matrix(0,nrow = 2, ncol = max_ind)
Concord[1,1:4] <- 1
Concord[2,5:max_ind] <- 1

# Write to folder
Concord_path <- paste0(path$Concordance,"/IRPextraction_Sec_Concordance.csv")
# Set name and path to concordance and write to folder
Concorda_name <- "IRPextraction_Sec_Concordance"
Concord_path <- paste0(path$Concordance,"/",Concorda_name,".csv")
write.table(Concord,file = Concord_path,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",")

# Add path to concordance to ALANG commands
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- paste0("1:e a CONCPATH/",Concorda_name,".csv")

# Add other variables for regions with data
ALANG$`Row child` <- "3"
ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "1:e t1 CONCPATH/IRPextraction_Sec_Concordance.csv"
ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))
ALANG$Incl <- "Y"
ALANG$Parts <- "1"
Expand Down
80 changes: 69 additions & 11 deletions Rscripts/datafeeds_code/datafeed_PIOLab_IRPextractionHARD.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,33 +17,91 @@ source(paste0(root_folder,"Rscripts/Subroutines/InitializationR.R"))
# Loading raw data

# Loading function for estimating SE with linear regression

# Create empty ALANG table with header
# Extend table with additional columns

# Check if folder with processed data exists, in case delete and create empty one
path_set <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",datafeed_name)
if(dir.exists(path_set)) unlink(path_set,recursive = TRUE)

# Add lines for regions with known data

# First, set and write standard errors to file
export_SE <- matrix(c(0,0),nrow = 2,ncol = 1)
filename_SE <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_SE_",year,".csv")
write.table(export_SE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_SE))
# Set SE path
SE <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename_SE)

for(i in 1:nrow(data))
# Get root_code of region
reg_num <- data$Code[i]
reg_name <- as.character(root$region$Name[reg_num])
reg_num <- as.character(reg_num)

# Write value to processed folder
export_value <- matrix(c(data$Quantity[i],0),nrow = 2,ncol = 1)
filename_value <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_Value_",year,"_",reg_name,".csv")
write.table(export_value,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename_value))

# Read extraction value
value <- as.character(data$Quantity[i])
value <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename_value)

# Add command for domestic Use table
ALANG <- add_row(ALANG,'1' = paste0("DataFeed IRP Extraction ",reg_name),
Value = value,'Row parent' = reg_num,'Column parent' = reg_num)
Value = value,'Row parent' = reg_num,'Column parent' = reg_num,S.E. = SE)
# Add other variables

ALANG$S.E. <- "0"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "1-5"
# Add NaN for all other regions

AllOtherRegions <- setdiff(root$region$Code,data$Code)

export <- matrix("NaN",nrow = 2,ncol = 1) # set values
filename <- paste0(datafeed_name,"_Value&SE_",year,"_AllOtherRegions.csv")
SE <- value <- paste0("DATAPATH/",datafeed_name,"/",filename)

# Write values/SE to file
write.table(export,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",",
file = paste0(path_set,"/",filename))

for(i in AllOtherRegions)
# Get root_code of region
reg_num <- i
reg_name <- as.character(root$region$Name[reg_num])
reg_num <- as.character(reg_num)

# Add command for domestic Use table
ALANG <- add_row(ALANG,'1' = paste0("DataFeed IRP Extraction ",reg_name),
Value = value,'Row parent' = reg_num,'Column parent' = reg_num,S.E. = SE)


# Create industry concordance
max_ind <- length(root$industry$Code)
Concord <- matrix(0,nrow = 2, ncol = max_ind)
Concord[1,1:4] <- 1
Concord[2,5:max_ind] <- 1

# Set name and path to concordance and write to folder
Concorda_name <- "IRPextraction_Sec_Concordance"
Concord_path <- paste0(path$Concordance,"/",Concorda_name,".csv")
write.table(Concord,file = Concord_path,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep = ",")

# Add path to concordance to ALANG commands
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- paste0("1:e t2 CONCPATH/",Concorda_name,".csv")

# Add other variables for regions with data
ALANG$`Row child` <- "3"
ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"
ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))
ALANG$Incl <- "Y"
ALANG$Parts <- "1"
Expand All @@ -54,7 +112,7 @@ ALANG$`Post-Map` <- ""
ALANG$Years <- "1"
ALANG$Margin <- "1"
ALANG$Coef1 <- "1"

# Call script that writes the ALANG file to the repsective folder in the root

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Rscripts/datafeeds_code/datafeed_PIOLab_IRPimports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(data))

ALANG$`Row child` <- "2"
ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- "1-e"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "[1,3]"
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "1-e"
ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))
ALANG$Incl <- "Y"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ALANG$`Row grandchild` <- "2"

ALANG$`Column parent` <- "1-e"
ALANG$`Column child` <- "1"
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "64-65"
ALANG$`Column grandchild` <- "1-e"

ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))
ALANG$Incl <- "Y"
Expand Down

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