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New initial estimate with new sector classification.
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Hanspeter85 committed Jan 27, 2022
1 parent 2f913ed commit 9bf1bac
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 0 deletions.
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions Rscripts/IEfeeds_code/Ind20Pro21v1_InitialEstimate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# #
# This is the IE data feed for processing #
# raw data of the iron and steel PIOT #
# it covers 20 processes and 21 flows #
# and and is an aggregate of the #
# 30by39 aggregation #
# #
# [email protected] (c)
# 25.01.2022

# In case the code is executed not on the server (and the IELab GUI) for debugging,
# the user can choose the desired region aggregator by setting the following variable
# either to 5,40 or 49. If test_regagg is not defined it will be set automatically to
# 5 regions later on in the code.
# test_regagg <- "032"
# This is a test string
### 1. Set up workplace for building the initial estimate
IEdatafeed_name_new <- "Ind20Pro21v1"
IEdatafeed_name <- "Ind30Pro39v1"

year <- 2008 # Year that the initial estimate is built for

print(paste0("Start of ",IEdatafeed_name_new," InitialEstimate."))

# Set library path when running on suphys server
if([1] == "Linux"){
# Define location for root directory
root_folder <- "/data/WULab/Roots/PIOLab/"}else if(dir.exists("C:/Users/hwieland/Github workspace/PIOLab/")){
root_folder <- "C:/Users/hwieland/Github workspace/PIOLab/"}else if(dir.exists("C:/Users/Rene/Google Drive/WU/GIT/PIOLab/")){
root_folder <- "C:/Users/Rene/Google Drive/WU/GIT/PIOLab/"}else{root_folder <- "C:/Users/polly/Google Drive/WU/GIT/PIOLab/"}
# Initializing R script (load R packages and set paths to folders etc.)

# Read base classification settings (region, processe and flow codes)


# Read root to mother sector aggregators

# Read region aggregation from classification to set the right path for the IE data

if(max(base$region$Code) < 10)
regagg <- paste0("00",max(base$region$Code))
} else
regagg <- paste0("0",max(base$region$Code))

# Set additional paths that are specific to the present run
path[["IE_Subroutines"]] <- paste0(path$root,"Rscripts/IEfeeds_code/IE_subroutines")
path[["IE_Processed"]] <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name,"/",regagg)
path[["Agg_Processed"]] <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name)
path[["IE_classification"]] <- paste0(path$Settings,"/Base/",IEdatafeed_name,"_BaseSectorClassification.xlsx")

# Check whether output folder for processed data for the present initial estimate exists, if not then create it

if(!dir.exists(path$Agg_Processed)) dir.create(path$Agg_Processed)

# Check whether output folder for processed data for the specific aggregation exists, if yes, delete it
if(dir.exists(path$IE_Processed)) unlink(path$IE_Processed,recursive = TRUE)

# Check if ALANG files of old initial estimate exist and delete

# Functions to process raw data for Initial Estimate

IE_fun <- list("/IEFeed_PIOLab_WSA.R",
"/IEDataProcessing_PIOLab_Aggregate_30by39_to_20by21.R" )

IE_fun <- paste0(path$IE_Subroutines,IE_fun) # Add path to functions
lapply(IE_fun,source) # Load functions into workspace

### 2. Commencing data pre-processing (from source to root classification)

IEFeed_PIOLab_WSA(year,path) # WSA production numbers
IEFeed_PIOLab_SteelIndustryYields(path) # Yield information
IEFeed_PIOLab_BACI(year,path) # Trade data
IEFeed_PIOLab_IRP(year,path) # Extraction data
IEFeed_PIOLab_Grades(path) # Ore grades
IEFeed_PIOLab_EOL(year,path) # end-of-life i.e. old scrap
IEFeed_PIOLab_IEA(year,path) # IEA energy data
IEFeed_PIOLab_EXIOWasteMFAIO(year,path) # Aggregate EXIOBASE Waste-MFA IO model (WIO)
IEFeed_PIOLab_Cullen(path) # Fabrication yields from Cullen et al. 2012

### 3. Commencing data processing

IEDataProcessing_PIOLab_AligningData(year,path) # Align WSA, IRP extraction
IEDataProcessing_PIOLab_WasteMFAIOExtension(year,path) # Compile extension for WIO
IEDataProcessing_PIOLab_WasteMFAIOModelRun(year,path) # Run WIO Model calculation

### 4. Compile domestic SUTs, trade blocks and S8 files thereof

### 5. Aggregate to new base classification

### 6. Overwrite initial paths for new classification and move data to new location

path[["IE_Processed_new"]] <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name_new,"/",regagg)
path[["Agg_Processed_new"]] <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name_new)
path[["IE_classification_new"]] <- paste0(path$Settings,"/Base/",IEdatafeed_name_new,"_BaseSectorClassification.xlsx")

# Check whether output folder for processed data for the present initial estimate exists, if not then create it
if(!dir.exists(path$Agg_Processed_new)) dir.create(path$Agg_Processed_new)

# Check whether output folder for processed data for the specific aggregation exists, if yes, delete it
if(dir.exists(path$IE_Processed_new)) unlink(path$IE_Processed_new,recursive = TRUE)

# Move processed data to new folder
file.copy( path$IE_Processed, path$Agg_Processed_new, recursive=TRUE)

# Change paths to new directory
path$Processed <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name_new,"/",regagg)
path$Agg_Processed <- paste0(path$root,"ProcessedData/",IEdatafeed_name_new)
path$IE_classification <- paste0(path$Settings,"/Base/",IEdatafeed_name_new,"_BaseSectorClassification.xlsx")
path$IE_Processed <- path$IE_Processed_new

base_old <- base
IEdatafeed_name <- IEdatafeed_name_new
# Read base classification settings (region, processe and flow codes)

base$region <- base_old$region
num$region <- nrow(base$region)


### 5. Write ALANG commands


RSE <- read.xlsx( paste0(path$Settings,"/Base/IE_settings.xlsx"), sheet = 3 )

# Add rows to ALANG

ALANG <- AddRowALANG("FinalOutput", ALANG)
ALANG <- AddRowALANG("Extraction", ALANG)
ALANG <- AddRowALANG("EolScrap", ALANG)
ALANG <- AddRowALANG("OtherInput", ALANG)
ALANG <- AddRowALANG("Waste", ALANG)

name <- "Zero"
RSE_sel <- RSE[RSE$item == name,]
ALANG <- NewALANG(name,

ALANG$`#` <- as.character(1:nrow(ALANG))

# Write data frame with ALANG commands as tab-delimited txt-file to root and working directory (mother)
# Note HP: This is probably not the normal procedure, meaning no IE ALANG's in the root
filename <- paste0(path$root,"ALANGfiles/",gsub("-","",Sys.Date()),

write.table(ALANG,file = filename,row.names = FALSE, quote = F,sep = "\t")

# Check if the mother directory really exists

filename <- paste0(path$mother,gsub("-","",Sys.Date()),

write.table(ALANG,file = filename,row.names = FALSE, quote = F,sep = "\t")


print( paste0("End of ",IEdatafeed_name," InitialEstimate.") )

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