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gotschi edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 5 revisions

MicroBuilder is a platform to play & create mini games.

The user is able to build it's own levels and test them thoroughly before releasing them to the public in the gallery. You can also create your own graphics and spritesheet animations in the graphics editor and use them in your game.

To create your own games, you have to sign up first.

You can do this either via your Facebook account or create a new account on the page itself.

##The platform features four pages:

###Home / Play The play screen with the game loaded

###Gallery A Gallery of Games with thumbnails of the finished game

###Profile your very own profile featuring assets and games created by yourself

###Editor The editor page features a sophisticated way to create your own games It's build up by three different editors: Paint - where you can create your own graphics / spritesheets Placement - where you place your objects used in the game (to see if it fits nicely to the background e.g.) Library - select and add graphics for your own use or the public Behaviour Editor - add life to your created objects in the scene (trigger, actions / click, move)