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mikami3heart committed Nov 26, 2014
1 parent 49fb556 commit 98d5e50
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387 changes: 384 additions & 3 deletions
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@@ -1,4 +1,385 @@

NTChem-mini package

* draft version: 0.9 (based on NTChem/RI-MP2 dated 2014/10/31)
* update: 2014/11/24
* contact: [email protected]

About NTChem and NTChem-mini

> *この部分は次のURLに書かれた内容から引用・翻訳した。*
> (河東田さんにチェックを依頼する)
> *annual meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science (2013)*
NTChem is a general purpose software package for ab initio quantum chemistry
NTChem is designed to perform the high-performance computation of large scale
molecular electronic structures on the supercomputers such as K computer.
It has been developed with much attention paid to the following aspects.
(1) Develop the theory and algorithm of computational method for the large size
molecules, the high-performance computing scheme, the high precision computing
scheme which other quantum chemistry software can not handle.
(2) Develop the new software based on the above theory and algorithm, release
in public, and perform the state of the art computations such as the whole
protein computation composed of 10000+ atom molecules, and/or
the detail chemical reaction tracing analysis of the molecular
composed of 100+ to 1000 atoms.

NTChem is developed from scratch as the novel domestic software.
It includes many theoretical methods newly developed for its own,
as well as the many features that existing software has.

NTChem-mini includes a subset of NTChem known as NTChem/RI-MP2
that includes the efficient scheme to account for the electron
correlations based on the resolution of identity second-order Moller Plesset
perturbation (RI-MP2) method which enables the computation of the large
molecular systems such as nano-molecules and biological molecules.
NTChem-mini is a packaged version of NTChem/RI-MP2, including a suite of
test data, installation write up, and testing procedures.

The parallel program model used in NTChem-mini is MPI and OpenMP.


The installation steps of NTChem-mini on Linux platform are explained below.
Confirm first that the prerequisite software is available on the
installing platform.

+ Prerequisite software:
- Fortran compiler
- MPI library,
- BLAS library
- LAPACK library

####step 1. Obtain the distribution package.

Obtain the NTChem-mini package file "ntchem-mini-1.0.tar.gz" from the Fiber
distribution site.

On an appropriate directory, extract the contents using tar command.

$ tar -zxf ntchem-mini-1.0.tar.gz
$ cd ./ntchem-rimp2

The variable TOP_DIR is used to point the installation directory hereafter .
This readme file ( is included in the ${TOP_DIR} directory.

####step 2. Choose config_mine for the installing platform.

In the ${TOP_DIR}/platforms subdirectory, there are several
config_mine.${COMPILER} files where COMPILER value represents the type of
the compiler or the system type of the installing platform.
These are small text script files which set the minimum path variables
for compilation.
Choose one of these config_mine.${COMPILER} files that matches the installing
platform, and copy it as config_mine.

$ ls -go platforms/config_mine.*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1091 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.ANY
-rwxr-xr-x 1 162 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.K
-rwxr-xr-x 1 140 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.RICC
-rwxr-xr-x 1 124 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.Tsubame2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 125 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.c0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 246 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.gfortran
-rwxr-xr-x 1 148 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 156 Nov 7 00:00 platforms/config_mine.pgi
$ cp config_mine.${COMPILER} config_mine

If the installing platform does not match any of the provided config_mine.*,
then use config_mine.ANY and edit it to set the appropriate values.

Note that NTChem requires BLAS and LAPACK math libraries.
K, intel and pgi platforms have their own libraries.
Gfortran(GNU) does not come with such library. For gfortran, ATLAS library is
assumed to be installed on the platform. See comments in config_mine.gfortran.

####step 3. Compile and build the executable program

In the ${TOP_DIR} directory, choose or edit the config_mine file as above,
execute config_mine script and make command.

$ make distclean
$ ./config_mine
$ make
$ ls -go bin/rimp2.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1556942 Oct 10 10:26 bin/rimp2.exe

Compiling time of the source program should be short, i.e. within a minute.
After the successful compilation, the executable file "rimp2.ex" should be
created in the same directory.

#### Installation Example: Installing on K computer

Below is an example of compiling on K computer.

$ make distclean
$ cp platforms/config_mine.K config_mine
$ ./config_mine
$ make
$ ls -go rimp2.ex
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1140539 Sept 22 13:35 2014 rimp2.ex

#### Installation Example: Intel platform with modulefiles

Below is an example of compiling with Intel compiler, Intel MPI and Intel MKL
with module environment.

$ module load intel impi mkl
$ cp platforms/ config_mine
$ make distclean
$ ./config_mine
$ make
$ ls -go bin/rimp2.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1556942 Oct 10 10:26 bin/rimp2.exe

#### Installation Example: Intel platform without modulefiles

If the installing platform does not support modulefiles,
then manually set the environment variables for using the compiler software.
Intel provides the initialization files for each of the components, and it
is usually simple enough to load the intel environment variables by reading
those initialization file.

Below is an example of compiling with Intel compiler, Intel MPI and Intel MKL
using the initialization files for sh/bash.
Note that the path variables
INTEL_DIR, I_MPI_ROOT and MKLROOT must be changed according to the
actual path on the installing platform.

$ export INTEL_DIR=/usr/local/intel/composer_xe_2013
$ source ${INTEL_DIR}/bin/ intel64
$ export I_MPI_ROOT=/usr/local/intel/impi/
$ export I_MPI_F90=ifort
$ export I_MPI_F77=ifort
$ export I_MPI_CC=icc
$ export I_MPI_CXX=icpc
$ source ${I_MPI_ROOT}/bin64/
$ export MKLROOT=/usr/local/intel/composer_xe_2013/mkl
$ source ${MKLROOT}/bin/ intel64
$ make distclean
$ cp platforms/ config_mine
$ ./config_mine
$ make
$ ls -go bin/rimp2.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1556942 Oct 10 10:26 bin/rimp2.exe

Running the small test jobs
In the ${TOP_DIR}/tests directory , there are several subdirectories
containing the test data along with the job script.

$ cd ${TOP_DIR}/tests
$ ls -go
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Nov 5 17:53 c6h6
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Nov 5 17:53 h2o
drwxr-xr-x 2 4096 Nov 5 17:53 taxol

The list of subdirectories and their data type.
+ directory name: data type
- c6h6/ benzene RI-MP2/SVP
- h2o/ H2O 10mer RI-MP2/cc-pVTZ
- taxol/ taxol RI-MP2/cc-pVDZ

Each subdirectory contains a group of input files.
It also contains the job script examples for several platforms.
+ input files:
- ${DataName}.Basis
- ${DataName}.Basis_RIC
- ${DataName}.Geom
- ${DataName}.MO
- ${DataName}.OrbEne
- ${DataName}.SCF_Info
- ${DataName}.TotEne
- ${DataName}.inp
+ job scripts:
- ${PLATFORM}.sh

The ${DataName}.inp is also aliases as "INPUT" file.
The string value of ${DataName} is given as the namelist variable of &prefix,
such as Name='taxol_rimp2_cc-pvdz' in "INPUT" file.
The string value of ${PLATFORM} represents the type of running platform
or maybe the name of job manager.

#### Example: Running the test job on general Linux platform.
Below is an example of running NTChem-mini interactively using the taxol
test data on general Linux platform which supports the module environment.

$ module load intel impi mkl
$ cd ${TOP_DIR}/tests/taxol
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ eval `grep Name INPUT | tr [,] [\ ]`
$ time mpirun -np $NPROCS ./rimp2.exe | tee ${Name}.out

If the module environment is not supported on the plarform, then the
environment variables can be set explicitly as shown in the
"Installation Example:" section above.

For batch jobs, the job script file with corresponding directives
should be written.
Example job script files for some platforms can be found under the
${TOP_DIR}/tests/* subdirectories.

$ cd ${TOP_DIR}/tests/taxol
$ ls -go *sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 1394 Sep 16 17:31
-rw-r--r-- 1 862 Sep 16 17:31
-rw-r--r-- 1 627 Sep 16 17:31
-rwxr-xr-x 1 168 Sep 16 17:31

#### Example: Running the test job on K computer
Below in an example job script for K computer with necessary file staging


#### Example: Running the test job on Intel platform with LSF

Below is an example of a batch job script with LSF directives

$ cat
#BSUB -n 32
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=2]"
#BSUB -x
module load intel impi mkl
set -x
cd ${DATA_DIR}; if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo '@@@ Directory error @@@'; exit; fi
eval `grep Name INPUT | tr [,] [\ ]`
time mpirun -np $NPROCS ./rimp2.exe | tee ${Name}.out
$ bsub <

#### Verifying the computed results

The data directory contains a small Python script file "" to verify
the computed results recorded in ${Name}.out file.
Run this script file and confirm the output message.

$ python ./
The result is OK

Running the large size performance tests

The default test data included in the above NTChem-mini package are limited
to small molecular sets in order to make the package compact.
For running the performance tests, it is recommended to use larger molecular
A separate file containing the molecular data suitable for such performance
test has been made available for downloading from the following site.

> comments. needs updating the URL above.
#### Setting up the performance test data

After the previous Installation steps are completed, download the performance
data file ntchem-data-perf.tar.gz from the above URL.
Save it on the ${TOP_DIR} directory and extract the performance data files.
There should be new data file directories under tests_perf/ .

$ cd ${TOP_DIR}
$ tar -zxf ntchem-data-perf.tar.gz
$ ls tests_perf/
c54h18_cc-pvdz c54h18x2_cc-pvdz c60atc60h28
c54h18_cc-pvtz c54h18x2_cc-pvtz

+ directory name: data type
- c54h18_cc-pvdz: nanographene C54H18 RI-MP2/cc-pVDZ
- c54h18x2_cc-pvdz: nanographene dimer (C54H18)2 RI-MP2/cc-pVDZ
- c54h18_cc-pvtz: nanographene C54H18 RI-MP2/cc-pVTZ
- c54h18x2_cc-pvtz: nanographene dimer (C54H18)2 RI-MP2/cc-pVTZ
- c60atc60h28: buckycatcher C60@C60H28 RI-MP2/cc-pVTZ
+ buckycatcher data _c60atc60h28_ is most appropriate for the
performance tests.

#### Running the performance tests
Like the default test data included in the NTChem-mini package,
there is a set of job script files in the performance test data directory
covering the typical platforms.
Choose the one that matches the testing plarform.
Edit it, if necessary, in the same manner as was done for the
default test data.
Execute it as a batch job or as a background job.
The c60atc60h28 buckycatcher job takes about 2 hours using 32 nodes
on K computer.

##### strong scaling tests

The strong scaling tests for NTChem-mini in general can be done by just
changing the number of MPI processes per job.
For example, a simple script such as below will define the strong scaling runs
for 8/16/32 processes.

$ for NPROCS in 8 16 32
$ do
$ time -p mpirun -np $NPROCS ./rimp2.exe
$ done

In this case, each execution of rimp2.exe reads the same "INPUT" file.

##### weak scaling tests

It is not straight forward to define the test data for evaluating the
weak scaling performance, since the computational workload of NTChem-mini
increases at N^5 order accroding to the number of atoms N.
In order to prepare for the weak scaling performance test, specific testing
configuration should be defined and the corresponding input data files
must be generated. Such configuration can be defined through
the discussion with the authors of NTChem.

License term

The License term of NTChem is provided in the BSD 2-Clause License.
Please refer to "LICENSE" file included in the NTChem-mini package.

_ contact person/organizatin for NTChem _
Contact for inquiry regarding NTChem should be made to:

_ Michio Katouda email: <[email protected]> _

Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Computational Molecular Science Research Team,
RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science

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