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fbao-fudan committed Apr 13, 2021
0 parents commit d7ef6b1
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Showing 4 changed files with 532 additions and 0 deletions.
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions training/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
import os
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torch.optim import Optimizer

from utils.modules import Encoder, Decoder

import torch.optim as optimizer_module

# utility function to initialize an optimizer from its name
def init_optimizer(optimizer_name, params):
assert hasattr(optimizer_module, optimizer_name)
OptimizerClass = getattr(optimizer_module, optimizer_name)
return OptimizerClass(params)

# Generic training class #
class Trainer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, log_loss_every=10, writer=None):
super(Trainer, self).__init__()
self.iterations = 0

self.writer = writer
self.log_loss_every = log_loss_every

self.loss_items = {}

def get_device(self):
return list(self.parameters())[0].device

def train_step(self, data):
# Set all the models in training mode

# Log the values in loss_items every log_loss_every iterations
if not (self.writer is None):
if (self.iterations + 1) % self.log_loss_every == 0:

# Move the data to the appropriate device
device = self.get_device()

for i, item in enumerate(data):
data[i] =

# Perform the training step and update the iteration count
self.iterations += 1

def _add_loss_item(self, name, value):
assert isinstance(name, str)
assert isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, int)

if not (name in self.loss_items):
self.loss_items[name] = []


def _log_loss(self):
# Log the expected value of the items in loss_items
for key, values in self.loss_items.items():
self.writer.add_scalar(tag=key, scalar_value=np.mean(values), global_step=self.iterations)
self.loss_items[key] = []

def save(self, model_path):
items_to_save = self._get_items_to_store()
items_to_save['iterations'] = self.iterations

# Save the model and increment the checkpoint count, model_path)

def load(self, model_path):
items_to_load = torch.load(model_path)
for key, value in items_to_load.items():
assert hasattr(self, key)
attribute = getattr(self, key)

# Load the state dictionary for the stored modules and optimizers
if isinstance(attribute, nn.Module) or isinstance(attribute, Optimizer):

# Move the optimizer parameters to the same correct device.
# see for further details
if isinstance(attribute, Optimizer):
device = list(value['state'].values())[0]['exp_avg'].device # Hack to identify the device
for state in attribute.state.values():
for k, v in state.items():
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
state[k] =

# Otherwise just copy the value
setattr(self, key, value)

def _get_items_to_store(self):
return dict()

def _train_step(self, data):
raise NotImplemented()

# Representation Trainer #

# Generic class to train an model with a (stochastic) neural network encoder

class RepresentationTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self, z_dim, optimizer_name='Adam', encoder_lr=1e-4, **params):
super(RepresentationTrainer, self).__init__(**params)

self.z_dim = z_dim

# Intialization of the encoder
self.encoder = Encoder(z_dim)

self.opt = init_optimizer(optimizer_name, [
{'params': self.encoder.parameters(), 'lr': encoder_lr},

def _get_items_to_store(self):
items_to_store = super(RepresentationTrainer, self)._get_items_to_store()

# store the encoder and optimizer parameters
items_to_store['encoder'] = self.encoder.state_dict()
items_to_store['opt'] = self.opt.state_dict()

return items_to_store

def _train_step(self, data):
loss = self._compute_loss(data)


def _compute_loss(self, data):
raise NotImplemented

# Merge Trainer #

class MergeTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self, z_dim, optimizer_name='Adam', encoder_lr=1e-4, decoder_lr=1e-4, **params):
super(MergeTrainer, self).__init__(**params)

self.z_dim = z_dim

# Intialization of the encoder
self.encoder_x_s = Encoder(z_dim)
self.encoder_x_p = Encoder(z_dim)
self.encoder_y_s = Encoder(z_dim)
self.encoder_y_p = Encoder(z_dim)

# Intialization of the decoder
self.decoder_x_s = Decoder(z_dim)
self.decoder_x_p = Decoder(z_dim)
self.decoder_y_s = Decoder(z_dim)
self.decoder_y_p = Decoder(z_dim)

self.opt = init_optimizer(optimizer_name, [
{'params': self.encoder_x_s.parameters(), 'lr': encoder_lr},
{'params': self.encoder_x_p.parameters(), 'lr': encoder_lr},
{'params': self.encoder_y_s.parameters(), 'lr': encoder_lr},
{'params': self.encoder_y_p.parameters(), 'lr': encoder_lr},

{'params': self.decoder_x_s.parameters(), 'lr': decoder_lr},
{'params': self.decoder_x_p.parameters(), 'lr': decoder_lr},
{'params': self.decoder_y_s.parameters(), 'lr': decoder_lr},
{'params': self.decoder_y_p.parameters(), 'lr': decoder_lr},

def _get_items_to_store(self):
items_to_store = super(MergeTrainer, self)._get_items_to_store()

# store the encoder and optimizer parameters
items_to_store['encoder_x_s'] = self.encoder_x_s.state_dict()
items_to_store['encoder_x_p'] = self.encoder_x_p.state_dict()
items_to_store['encoder_y_s'] = self.encoder_y_s.state_dict()
items_to_store['encoder_y_p'] = self.encoder_y_p.state_dict()
items_to_store['opt'] = self.opt.state_dict()

return items_to_store

def _train_step(self, data):
loss = self._compute_loss(data)


def _compute_loss(self, data):
raise NotImplemented
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions training/
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@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# from training.multiview_infomax import MVInfoMaxTrainer
from utils.schedulers import ExponentialScheduler
from utils.schedulers import LinearScheduler
from training.base import MergeTrainer
from utils.modules import MIEstimator, Encoder, Decoder, Feature_extractor, Alex_extractor, Alex_extractor_avg, Alex_extractor_fea
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributions import Normal, Independent
from torchvision import models
# DVIB Trainer #

class DVIBTrainer(MergeTrainer):
def __init__(self, beta=1,
lambda_start_value=1e-5, lambda_end_value=1,
lambda_n_iterations=100000, lambda_start_iteration=50000,
# The neural networks architectures and initialization procedure is analogous to Multi-View InfoMax
super(DVIBTrainer, self).__init__(**params)

# Definition of the scheduler to update the value of the regularization coefficient beta over time
self.beta = beta
self.lambda_scheduler = ExponentialScheduler(start_value=lambda_start_value, end_value=lambda_end_value,
n_iterations=lambda_n_iterations, start_iteration=lambda_start_iteration)
#self.lambda_scheduler = LinearScheduler(start_value=lambda_start_value, end_value=lambda_end_value,
# n_iterations=lambda_n_iterations, start_iteration=lambda_start_iteration)

# Initialization of the mutual information estimation network
self.mi_estimator_x = MIEstimator(self.z_dim, self.z_dim)
self.mi_estimator_y = MIEstimator(self.z_dim, self.z_dim)

# Adding the parameters of the estimator to the optimizer

{'params': self.mi_estimator_x.parameters(), 'lr': miest_lr},
{'params': self.mi_estimator_y.parameters(), 'lr': miest_lr},

# Defining the prior distribution as a factorized normal distribution = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.z_dim), requires_grad=False)
self.sigma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.z_dim), requires_grad=False)
self.prior = Normal(, scale=self.sigma)
self.prior = Independent(self.prior, 1)

# if x and y follow the same distribution, encoders for shared representation can share parameters
# self.encoder_y_s = self.encoder_x_s # reuse
self.mu2 = nn.Parameter(torch.full((self.z_dim,),1.), requires_grad=False)
self.mu3 = nn.Parameter(torch.full((self.z_dim,),2.), requires_grad=False)
self.prior2 = Normal(loc=self.mu2, scale=self.sigma)
self.prior2 = Independent(self.prior2, 1)
self.prior3 = Normal(loc=self.mu3, scale=self.sigma)
self.prior3 = Independent(self.prior3, 1)

#create pretrained resnet18, Alexnet

self.res = Feature_extractor(output_layer='avgpool')
self.alex = Alex_extractor()

###start lambda
self.labda_start = 0
def _compute_loss(self, data):
# Read the two views v1 and v2 and ignore the label y
x, y, _, _ = data
x = self.res(x)
y = self.res(y)
#x = self.alex(x)
#y = self.alex(y)

# Read new dataset, views v1 and v2
# Encode a batch of data
p_z_xs_given_x = self.encoder_x_s(x) # [z_dim * 2]
p_z_xp_given_x = self.encoder_x_p(x) # [z_dim * 2]
p_z_ys_given_y = self.encoder_y_s(y) # [z_dim * 2]
p_z_yp_given_y = self.encoder_y_p(y) # [z_dim * 2]

# Sample from the posteriors with reparametrization
z_xs = p_z_xs_given_x.rsample()
z_xp = p_z_xp_given_x.rsample()
z_ys = p_z_ys_given_y.rsample()
z_yp = p_z_yp_given_y.rsample()

# Reconstruction loss from private and shared latents
q_x_given_z_xs = self.decoder_x_s(z_xs)
q_x_given_z_xp = self.decoder_x_p(z_xp)
q_y_given_z_ys = self.decoder_y_s(z_ys)
q_y_given_z_yp = self.decoder_y_p(z_yp)

reconstruct_loss_xs = -q_x_given_z_xs.log_prob(x.view(x.shape[0], -1))
reconstruct_loss_xp = -q_x_given_z_xp.log_prob(x.view(x.shape[0], -1))
reconstruct_loss_ys = -q_y_given_z_ys.log_prob(y.view(y.shape[0], -1))
reconstruct_loss_yp = -q_y_given_z_yp.log_prob(y.view(y.shape[0], -1))

neg_I_x = reconstruct_loss_xs.mean() + reconstruct_loss_xp.mean()
neg_I_y = reconstruct_loss_ys.mean() + reconstruct_loss_yp.mean()

# Mutual information estimation between private and shared
# representations from the same view

mi_gradient_x, mi_estimation_x = self.mi_estimator_x(z_xs, z_ys)
mi_gradient_x = mi_gradient_x.mean()
mi_estimation_x = mi_estimation_x.mean()

mi_gradient_y, mi_estimation_y = self.mi_estimator_y(z_ys, z_xs)

mi_gradient_y = mi_gradient_y.mean()
mi_estimation_y = mi_estimation_y.mean()

mi_gradient = mi_gradient_x + mi_gradient_y
mi_estimation = mi_estimation_x + mi_estimation_y

# Upper bound of mutual information between different views
pos_I_y_zxp = p_z_yp_given_y.log_prob(z_yp) - self.prior2.log_prob(z_xp)
pos_I_x_zyp = p_z_xp_given_x.log_prob(z_xp) - self.prior3.log_prob(z_yp)

pos_beta_I = pos_I_y_zxp.mean() + pos_I_x_zyp.mean()

# Update the value of beta according to the policy

labda = self.lambda_scheduler(self.iterations - self.labda_start)

# Logging the components
self._add_loss_item('loss/neg_I_x', neg_I_x.item())
self._add_loss_item('loss/neg_I_y', neg_I_y.item())
self._add_loss_item('loss/I_z1_z2', mi_estimation.item())
self._add_loss_item('loss/softplus_I_12', mi_gradient.item())
#self._add_loss_item('loss/ckl', neg_ckl.item())
self._add_loss_item('loss/I_beta', pos_beta_I.item())
self._add_loss_item('loss/beta', self.beta)
self._add_loss_item('loss/lambda', labda)

# Computing the loss function
loss = neg_I_x + neg_I_y - labda*mi_gradient + beta*pos_beta_I

return loss

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