Cub3D is a project that aims to create a realistic 3D graphical representation of the inside of a maze from a first-person perspective using the Ray-Casting principles. (basically a recreation of the classic Wolfenstein 3D game)
- make
- gcc
- package xorg
- package libxext-dev
- package libbsd-dev
➜ Requirements installation for Debian Distributions:
sudo apt-get install gcc make xorg libxext-dev libbsd-dev
- Xquartz
➜ Requirements installation:
Brew install Xquartz
git clone
cd cub3D
- Start The executable:
./cub3D [map name]
- If the map doesn't exist in the same directory you should provide the path along with name [path/map_name].
- The map extension should always be .cub
The map file should be a plain text file with the following elements:
- NO:
the path to the texture used for the north-facing walls
- SO:
the path to the texture used for the south-facing walls.
- WE:
the path to the texture used for the west-facing walls.
- EA:
the path to the texture used for the east-facing walls.
- F:
the color of the floor
- C:
the color of the ceiling
- The map: it must be composed of only 6 possible characters: 0 for an empty space, 1 for a wall, and N,S,E or W for the player’s start position and spawning orientation.
The map rules:
- The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
- There should be only one player in the map.
- Elements can be separated by one or more empty lines, and they can appear in any order in the file. Additionally, each type of information within an element can be separated by one or more spaces. The map content itself is not subject to these rules
- Spaces are a valid part of the map.
- The colors of F and C written in R,G,B form.
- The texture image should have .xpm extension.
./cub3D ./maps/map2.cub
- ← → : Allows you to rotate the view left and right
- w s : Allows you to move forward and backward
- a d : Allows you to move to the left and to the right
- [Only in Mac] The mouse mouvements : Allows you to rotate the view left and right
- ESC : Close the window
- Only the next functions are allowed:
open, close, read, write, printf, malloc, free, perror, strerror, exit
All functions of the math
All functions of the MiniLibX
- You must use the MiniLibX.
- Global variables are forbidden.
The mlx library used in the project was provided by Minilibx.