6502bench SourceGen v1.0.0
6502bench currently has one tool, the SourceGen disassembler.
The best place to start is to work through the tutorials. Launch the program, hit F1 to open the documentation (which is just a set of HTML pages viewed in your web browser), then click on the Tutorials link. Various sample projects are included in the distribution.
For the list of changes between releases, see the Change Log page in the wiki.
The program is written in C# .NET with the WinForms API. The attached binaries have been tested on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10. There is no installer; just unzip them somewhere convenient and double-click SourceGen.exe
to use the program.
While potentially compatible with Mono, tests with Mono 5.16 on Linux turned up a number of severe issues that will need to be worked around. Linux and Mac OS X are therefore not supported at this time.
IMPORTANT: on Windows you must have .NET Framework v4.6.2 or later installed. Most Windows systems will already have this, but if you have trouble getting the app to start, you may need to install it. You can download it directly from Microsoft, at https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-framework-runtime .
If you want to build the sources yourself, clone the git repository and open WorkBench.sln
in Visual Studio 2017. I used the free-to-download Community Edition for development.