BeyBuilder is a Beyblade stat tracker and random build generator for Beyblade X

- Open the BeyBuilder website here
- Use dropdowns to select you parts. If a part is not selected, a random part will be chosen in it's place.
- Press "Choose Beyblade" button next to dropdowns to select the Bey
- Once both beys have been selected, you can start tracking stats
- Total win/loss stats of the selected beys will be displayed next to the selector dropdowns
- Win/loss between the two selected Beys is in the table below
- The database of generated beyblades allows you to set a preivously generated bey without resetting the dropdowns
- Select a bey from the list and press the "Set as Bey#" button to start tracking for that bey
- "Clear Database" will delete EVERY BEY IN YOUR HISTORY. It will prompt. Proceed with caution.
- In FireFox: In the Indexed DB section of the Storage tab of the F12 menu
- In Chrome: In the Indexed DB section of the Application tab of the F12 menu
- Deleting the beyblades record will clear your created beyblades database
- Deleting the records record will clear your match records, but not your total win/loss
- UI cleanup
- Add online funcationality for global beyblade stat tracking