组内资料分享 Paper-Reading-Group List shared papers in our group 组内资料分享 Paper-Reading-Group List shared papers in our group Date Speaker Paper Slide Keywords 2021.6.25 刘祎玮 《Pathway-based subnetworks enable cross-disease biomarker discovery》(Nature communication. 2018) SIMMS.ppt Pathway subnetwork及生存分析 2021.6.23 伍振鹏 《Prevalent intron retention fine-tunes gene expression and contributes to cellular senescence》(Aging Cell. 2020) IR_senescence.ppt 内含子保留 2021.6.1 刘坤 《SRHiC: A Deep Learning Model to Enhance the Resolution of Hi-C Data》(Front. Genet. 2020) SRHiC.ppt Hi-C数据增强 2021.5.11 杨昌获 《PeNGaRoo, a combined gradient boosting and ensemble learning framework for predicting non-classical secreted proteins》(Bioinformatics 2020) modelensemble.ppt 模型集成 2021.4.27 杨昌获 《PeNGaRoo, a combined gradient boosting and ensemble learning framework for predicting non-classical secreted proteins》(Bioinformatics 2020) modelensemble.ppt 模型集成 2021.4.13 张硕 《INDUCTIVE MATRIX COMPLETION BASED ON GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS》(ICLR 2020) IGMC.pptx 推荐系统 2021.4.06 郑剑涛 《Freddie: Annotation-independent Detection and Discovery of Transcriptomic Alternative Splicing Isoforms》(bioRxiv 2021) Freddie.ppt 三代测序;isoform预测 2021.3.23 徐云佩 《Deciphering cell–cell interactions and communication from gene expression》(Nature Reviews Genetics 2020) cell communication review.ppt 单细胞通讯 2021.3.18 方钊玉 《An entropy-based metric for assessing the purity of single cell populations》(Nat Commun 2020) ROGUE.ppt 单细胞