Class for complete remove XSS and SQLi from strings in PHP.
Simply download and add to your namespace or library.
If you want to clean simple string use cleanInput()
$cleanString = Clean::cleanInput($dirtyString);
If you want to clean array with various values use cleanArray()
$cleanArray = Clean::cleanArray($dirtyArray);
All methods are static, so you don't need to create new Instance of the class. Simply use as it is. It is secure.
Function cleanInput($data, $addSlashes)
have two parameters
- Posted data to clean, in this case one string
- If you want to use addslashes, for better security, set this as TRUE
, default is FALSE
Function cleanArray($data, $addSlashes)
have two parameters
- Posted data to clean, in this case multi-dimensional array
- If you want to use addslashes, for better security, set this as TRUE
, default is FALSE