This code is no longer in use in favor of Cloud Build.
Jenkins instance for GKE using helm template
command as base for kustomization.
If you are contributing, the general rule of thumb is everything through git; as-code if you can, sh script when you can't.
Dotted lines indicate inheritance:
├── helm-base ╍╍╍╍╷
└── overlays ╎
└── gke-tom ╍╍╵
- Add webhook trigger for your github repo and job
- Using the values in
, create a webhook in github for your repository:- Go to
>Add webhook
- Payload URL:[SMEE_ID]
- Content type:
- Secret:
- Which events?
Let me select individual events
- Check off
Pull requests
- Go to
- Using the values in
- Deploy changes:
kubectl apply -k ./overlays/tom-gke
- Print out applied yaml to build folder:
kubectl apply -k ./overlays/tom-gke --dry-run=server -o yaml > build/dry-run.yaml
- Update base from helm in cloud shell
- Set env var HELM_INSTALL_DIR to your home directory (TODO: script this)
- Follow instructions for installing helm from script
helm repo add jenkins
helm repo update
helm template tom jenkins/jenkins -n helm-base > helm-base/jenkins.yaml
- Helm-base test deployment
kubectl apply -k ./helm-base
kubectl get pods -n helm-base
kubectl port-forward -n helm-base [HELM_BASE_PODNAME] 8080:8080 >> /dev/null
- Web preview > Preview on port 8080