The following declares a contract which when initialised wraps a given TRC10 token into its wrapped equivalent.
For Example to wrap BTT (Token ID: 1002000) it would look as follows:
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
import "./WrappedTRC10.sol";
contract WBTT is WrappedTRC10(
"Wrapped BitTorrent",
) {}
Deploy this contract on the network, take the contract address & parent token id, go to src/wrapper-config.js
and declare your new wrapped token with the following format.
token: "BTT",
wrapped_token: "WBTT",
tokenId: 1234,
contractAddress: "0x212121212211221"
This should automatically be pulled into the frontend, which you need to setup by:
yarn install
and to run the server (will automatically open) at http://localhost:3000
yarn run start
You can use this tool to wrap any TRC10 token into TRC20 and vice-versa. Hope you enjoy!
for questions email [email protected]