This PR explores a different data structure for handling large numbers of colliders in the scene at a time efficiently.
* New features
- Query colliders directly on the `PhysicsWorld`
const scene = ...;
const colliders = scene.physics.query(ex.BoundingBox.fromDimensions(...));
* New `SparseHashGrid` data structure
- Used as the new default for the collision broadphase which is faster performing than the dynamic try
- Used in the `PointerSystem` to improve pointer dispatch when there are a lot of entities
* More allocation reduction
- New pool type `RentalPool`
- `Transform` refactoring to remove
- `AffineMatrix`
- Graphics context state/Transform stack hot path allocations pooling
* Perf improvements to `CircleCollider` bounds calculations
* Switch from iterators to c-style loops which bring more speed
- `Entity` component iteration
- `EntityManager` iteration
- `EventEmitter`s
- `GraphicsSystem` entity iteration
- `PointerSystem` entity iteration