Evolution CMS 3.0RC2
Evolution CMS 3.0 RC2
More and more new features for Evo 3
- Laravel routing for ajax or custom routing with Validator, Request, Response
- Merge Webusers and Managers to Users
- Full refactor work with Users and Roles
- Rewrite langs on Laravel Style
- Optimization of speed
- Add console Extras
- Add console command for full cache clear
Users !!!
After merge users, all old solutions for work with WebUsers need fix for work with new logic.
how work with users you can read here:
Laravel Routing
https://gist.github.com/Dmi3yy/10e5a004bb77a72a4446ac1ad4c2d9ad (ru)
En will be in release version
Console Extras
Evolution CMS Speed
Upgrade from older versions
- You need upgrade to 2.0.3 version
- Get script prepareToUpdateFrom2To3Evo
Link: https://github.com/evolution-cms/prepareToUpdateFrom2To3Evo, or in Extras - Run script on your site by url sitename /assets/updater.php
The release version will contain a full description of the changes with examples of how to use it.