Conveniently print hashtags for social media posts
To run the app from terminal you will need Python installed on your device. Navigate to where the Hashtag Printer directory was downloaded to your device, then use the command python
to run the printer.
You will need to populate the all_hashtags.txt
file with hashtags that are relevant to your social media account's content. Hashtags in the all_hashtags.txt
file must be added in the format of [hashtag]+[space]. is a good source for collecting new hashtags. The recent_hashtags.txt
can remain empty. Alternatively, this file can be populated with hashtags that you would like to exclude from your next post. It is also optional to create and populate additional hashtag files with hashtags for specific social media content types.
Hashtag Printer will first ask for the file to select hashtags from. The full path to the desired file from your current working directory is required. Then, hashtag printer will ask for the number of hashtags that you would like to print. Once the hashtags have been printed, just copy and paste them into your next post.
Python can be downloaded here
Manually adding hashtags to your posts can be tedious. Varying hashtags to accomodate social media algorithms and engage with different audiences can be even more bothersome. Therefore, this convenience script was created to quickly pull fresh hashtags from a customized repository of hashtags.