This library is a prototype for the decimal proposal. Apart from the intention of the decimal proposal for valueOf
to unconditionally throw, there should be no observable difference between what this library does and what the proposal is supposed to do. If you find a mismatch, please file an issue in this repo.
- addition (
) - subtraction (
) - multiplication (
) - division (
) - remainder (
) - rounding (
) toString
emitting both decimal and exponential syntax (default is decimal)
This package is written in TypeScript. Unit tests are in Jest. There are no other external dependencies.
This package aims to reproduce the IEEE 754 Decimal128 decimal floating-point numbers in JavaScript. These decimal (not binary!) numbers take up 128 bits of information per number. This format allows for an exact representation of decimal numbers with 34 (decimal) significant digits and an exponent between -6143 and 6144. That's a vast amount of range and precision! Decimal128 is a fantastic standard. Let's implement it in JavaScript.
This package also supports minus zero, positive and negative infinity, and NaN. These values are distinct from JS's built-in -0
, Infinity
, -Infinity
, and NaN
, since those are all JS Numbers.
This package is not literally an implementation of IEEE 754 Decimal128. This package defines a subset of Decimal128 that makes sense for the use cases we have in mind (mainly, though not exclusively, finance). Only a handful of arithmetic operations are implemented. We do not offer, for instance, the various trigonometric functions. Moreover, this package supports the concep of quiet NaNs only. Signalling NaNs are not supported here.
IEEE 754 Decimal128 allows one to globally specify configuration values (e.g., precision) that control all mathematical operations on Decimal128 values. This JavaScript package does not support that. This package offers a purely functional subset of Decimal128; there's no ambient context to specify and set. If one wishes to control, e.g., rounding, then one needs to specify that when constructing Decimal128 values or doing arithmetic operations.
Think of this package as providing, basically, arbitrary-precision decimal numbers limited to those that fit into 128 bits the way that Decimal128 does it. No need to specify context. Just imagine that you're working in an ideal arbitrary-precision world, do the operation, and enjoy the results. If you need to cut off a calculation after a certain point, just perform the operation (e.g., addition) and use round
Decimal128 is a universe of unnormalized values. In the Decimal128 world, 1.2
and 1.20
are distinct values. There's good reason for adopting such an approach, and has some benefits. But there can be surprises when working with non-normal values. This package supports IEEE 754 Decimal128, but it also aims to minimize surprises. In IEEE 754 Decimal128, if one adds, say, 1.2 and 3.8, the result is 5.0, not 5. (Again, those are distinct values in IEEE 754 Decimal128.) Reproducing that example with this package, one has
new Decimal128("1.2").add(new Decimal128("3.8")).toString(); // "5"
One can switch off normalization by setting the normalize
option to false
in toString
, like this:
new Decimal128("1.2").add(new Decimal128("3.8")).toString({ normalize: false }); // "5.0"