HCL Capston Project
Stock Market Game
Contributors Ashwin Azhagiri Ramiro Castrejon Tyler Hueter
Technologies Used Client Side Framework: Create React App Routing: React Router DOM CSS/Component Design: Material-UI
Authentication: JST (code adapted from Yigit Kemal Erinc via https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-setup-jwt-authorization-and-authentication-in-spring/ )
Server Side Authentication: JWT (code addapted from Java Brains tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X80nJ5T7YpE )
How to Play A player must sign in or create an account to begin.
Once logged in the player can view their top scores as well as the global leaderboard for 3 different game modes.
Once on the game play screen the player can select from 3 different game modes/lengths. The player will start with a virtual balance of $100K. Players can then view different stocks, then select and buy and sell as many shares as they can. At the end of the game mode the player's score will be how much over (or under!) the original $100K is the players combined portfolio value and cash balance.