wazuh-helm (https://govanguard.com).
Shane Scott
Wazuh-helm is a helm template for deploying Wazuh.
Current design allows one to dictate individal image verions, image sources and optionally use an external elasticsearch or a launch a built in cluster.
Latest tested images:
- wazuh: 3.12.3
- wazuh-nginx: 3.12.3
- wazuh-kibana: 3.12.3
- elasticsearch: 7.6.2
Lots of room for improvement on this. Open to pull requests.
- AWS managed ElasticSearch, while able to technically work with Wazuh if using a kibana-oss sourced image, performs very poorly under load. I do not know why this is.
Portions of code and concepts from wazuh/Wazuh-Kubernetes, Copyright (C) 2018 Wazuh Inc.