A Swift package that compresses full web pages into single archive files that can later be loaded into a WKWebView
. It may be used to implement offline reading features.
The main method WebArchiver.achive(...)
takes a URL and optionally a list of cookies. The archiver will download the main HTML document and all linked HTML, CSS, JavaScript (optionally) and image resources. All resources are then packed into a single .webarchive
file. The archiver parallelizes HTTP requests, but works on a single serial queue to process the responses.
A sample project that demostrates how to combine the WebArchiver with WKWebView
can be found here: OfflineWebView
This repository is a Swift Package Manager package. Use Xcode to add it as a dependency via https://github.com/ernesto-elsaesser/WebArchiver
This package was created because WKWebView
(in contrast to the deprecated UIWebView
) does not offer a universal way to make arbritary web content available offline. WebKit's own HTTP caching unfortunately doesn't provide enough control for most use cases, and a lot of stuff happens "out-of-process" (see here or here).
But WKWebView
can import .webarchive
files, which are binary PLIST files following a defined (undocumented) format. Being able to create .webarchive
files therefore allows apps to save online content for offline reading. Such files can be loaded into the WKWebView
via loadFileURL(URL:allowingReadAccessTo:)
, where URL
is a file://...
The archiver will only work well with static content. As soon as a web page needs to dynamically load resources via JavaScript, there is no sane way to archive that page into a single file without virtually replicating the backend. The archiver also doesn't scan JavaScript for statically linked resources. It does scan CSS files for image URLs though.
The archiver is further limited to the common resource types of web pages, i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images. If a web page has statically linked resources of other types (i.e. audio, video, ...) these resources won't be included in the archive. If you need to support such pages, please fork the repo and extend the archiver to support the required types.