An example to demonstrate the use of GPUImage with RubyMotion. This is based on the examples from the Indie Ambitions blog articles Learning OpenGL with GPUImage and Perlin Noise on GPU in GPUImage.
This needs to be run on a physical iPhone or iPad device with a camera to see the results. Running it in the simulator simply results in a black screen. This video shows the effect of one of the image filters. See the blog articles for more details. Swipe the screen left or right to change the current filter. Touch the screen to change the filter parameters.
git clone
cd GPUImage-RubyMotion-Example
git submodule update --init # fetch vendor/GPUImage submodule
rake # build and run in simulator to check for errors/exceptions
vim Rakefile # edit app.codesign_certificate
rake device # deploy to iPhone/iPad
- XCode 4.x w/ iOS SDK 5.x
- RubyMotion