Before you start:
- If you have regular 5v Arduino, see 'Geigerduino'
- If you have ESP32 Arduino, see 'Geigerduino ESP32' (supporting serial only) or 'Geigerduino ESP32 AWS IOT' (supporting serial and AWS IOT thing over WiFi)
Geigerduino Serial Geiger–Müller Counter
Compatible with RadiationD-v1.1-CAJOE, marked boards and many more with 5v trigger output
Conversion factor is for J305 marked tube. Update to match your tube. See
- Confirm you have 5v logic-level Arduino! Otherwise you will blow up a 3.3v interupt pin or the Arduino itself. These cheap boards will output 5v trigger.
- Connect Gnd to Gegier board and Arudino
- Connect 5v power to Geiger board and Arduino 5v pin
- Connect Geiger counter pin to Arudino, INT0, either pin 2 or 3 (see
- Connect USB and monitor Serial port, 9600 BAUD (you can use ArduinoIDE inbuilt Serial Monitor, or something like PuTTY)
- Use Geigerduino.ino
Compatible with marked boards and many more which have pull-to-ground interrupt output requiring internal Aruduino pullup resister
Conversion factor is for CTC-5 (STS-5) marked tube only. Update to match your tube. See
- Make sure your board doesn't use 5v interrupt! Use a Oscilliscope to verify it doesn't output 5v (or check documentation). This method is designed to use a 'pull down to ground' interrupt PIN which relies on using Aruidno to pull up.
- Connect Gnd to Gegier board and Arudino (these boards have 3pin output for this)
- Connect 5v power to Geiger board and Arduino (these boards have 3pin output for this)
- Connect Geiger counter pin to Arudino on an 'interrupt' compatible PIN (see and choose a 'GREEN' pin for input)
- Connect USB and monitor Serial port, 9600 BAUD (you can use ArduinoIDE inbuilt Serial Monitor, or something like PuTTY)
- Use GeigerduinoESP32.ino
(see above Geigerduino ESP32)
- Follow instructions here to set up AWS IOT thing and obtain certificates
- Edit the AWS IOT library 'aws_iot_certificate.c' file to add CA, private key and certificate data
- Edit wifi_aws_credentials.h to match your WiFi and AWS IOT configuration
- Use GeigerduinoESP32AWSIOT.ino